(8)The Black Storm

Start from the beginning

"So then if he knew where the Kerykeion was all along and he knew where Peitho was buried too, what reason would he have for taking so long to steal it and use it to- well, we don't know what? Bring her back?" I asked and looked to Hemera for answers. "And then wasting time with these strangers in the forest, hunting? Hunting what?"

"All good questions..." Hypnos' tone grew serious and his eyes fell down to the dark red rug at his feet. He crossed his arms over his chest, warming himself with body-heat. The wind howled. "We know he wants to bring her back, but that is without a doubt impossible."

"Is it?" Thanatos finally spoke.

The room snapped to stare at him with curious eyes. He was playing with a small pebble in his hand; the ones they used to keep the map from rolling up on the table. "Aurora practically resurrected herself and me. Would it be so far-fetched to think that there's more than one way to bring back a god?"

No one in the room had an answer.

I waited, letting the comment stew as I thought. Thanatos' restoration had nearly killed me, if not for the help of Thanatos, Hypnos and Conrad forcing my body to stay awake and supplying it with energy so I could heal myself. Resurrection, whichever way it could perhaps be executed, wasn't going to be easy...

It could even be fatal.

As I looked around the room, I could tell that the others were thinking along the same line, their faces fallen and worried. What has Moros gotten himself involved in?

"No amount of research is going to help here, I think?" Momus posed the question, but he already knew the answer.

Thanatos and Hypnos nodded in agreement and I narrowed my eyes with a thought. I voiced it softly, hoping it wasn't too implausible; "What if this Kerykeion could do more than just 'wake' someone up? What if it could go beyond that?"

Thanatos' eyes snapped to mine and he nodded with conviction; "I thought that too."

"Same." Trita said honestly, like she was thinking they'd all laugh at her if she'd said it out loud. I was relieved no one did and that my thought had some support.

"What?" Momus though, didn't see the potential in the situation. "You're joking right? The Kerykeion is practically a low-level weapon, if it can even be classified as a weapon."

"This is all so... odd." Hemera whispered and everyone in the study dropped their eyes to the ground, our minds racing and our bones filled with chill and ice.

Nemesis grimaced and her tone was deadpan; "This is all so pointless."

"Pardon me?" Thanatos asked with a bite. He glared at his sister, those red eyes like burning coals. He was stretched thin for some reason. I suspect the act of asking Nyx for help was racing closer and he wasn't all to prepared to beg and kneel. A king doesn't kneel.

Nemesis lifted her head and eyed her older brother with no worry in sight- like he didn't even scare her. Brave - or foolish. "This is pointless. Us. Sitting here and discussing possibilities. We should be out there, looking for concrete facts."

"And pray tell how would we manage?" Momus scoffed; "The entire province and surrounding regions are under a thick layer of snow. Not to mention the blaring winds and an avalanche breaking down onto the earth every few minutes. You want to go out tracking in that?"

Nemesis sighed in frustration and snapped loudly, her tone harsh; "Well, I can't just sit here anymore!" She shot up with a bolt of energy and rushed out of the study. Her leather boots clapped against the marble stairs leading down the tower.

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