Chapter One.

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(Hailee steinfeld Grey ft Zedd -Starving)

I wish you could see how handsome you look from my point of view. You look so good i actually find myself thirsting for you.Longing to be wrapped around your arms in your sweet embrace.To curl up so close to you,so close so that i can actually get to hear your blood flow through your  veins heating up your body making it warm and feeling like home.I want to lay my head on your chest as i inhale the sweet fragnance of your skin which smells of your favourite body spray enriched with the smell of your sweat.I long for the gentle touch of your hand as you gently caress my face.I always dream of losing myself in the depth of your eyes as i fall deep into the oceans of your love.I crave the taste of your lips and how they feel as your crash them onto mine and slowly but gently take my soul away from my body making me hunger for more.I want to feel the hair on your chest rubbing across my skin and how your kisses on my neck make me feel so alive.Baby you are my drug my one and only addiction and i crave you so bad.Although you are the only thing keeping me alive,I don't want you so close to me because for sure i will try to overdose on you.Because love, you are also my poison.

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