🇨🇭🇦🇵🇹🇪🇷 4: զųɛʂɬıơŋʂ ąŋɖ ąŋʂщɛγʂ

Start from the beginning

Thats cause im taking you home!-zalgo

Me," you heard that too right!?" slender," what? *gasp* (y/n) come with me quick!" me," i can't! My legs are frozen!" slender," shit!" he picks my up bridal style and im shaking. He teleports somewhere and i see splendor,trender and offender. Im shaking a lot that im basically numb. Splendor," (y/n)? What's wrong with her why is she shaking?" slender," zalgo is trying to take her in his realm but since she is still human its hurting her!" offender," damn how bad does he want her?" me," *whispers* slendy!" everything's going dark and fear has entered my body. Me," its dark! Why is it dark! I can't see anything!" my worse night mare has come and its going completely blind! Tears come out my eyes as i can't see anything!  Me,x *whispers* where did everything go? Where's everyone!" i panic as i hear nothing. Then i hear faint voices calling my name. I look around to look for them but nothing! Then the voices get louder and louder then i can see again! I see trender shaking me. I smiled happy i can see and im alive. I hug trender tight and cried happily in his chest. Trender," child you scared us! What did you see?" me," i thought I was completely blind! I heard nothing,saw nothing,and everything was dark!" slender," luckily fear stopped you from completely going to the under realm. You were so scared that you were blind it stopped you from going there." splendor," well at least your okay now!" trender," its okay! You can see and everythings alright!" slender," we'll have to start having your mind blocked off from all mind readers. Including us." splendor," what if-" slender," if we are the onky ones able to read her mind zalgo will try to hypnotize one of us and get through to her." trender," okay lets do that but what if he gets in even with it blocked off?" slender," then we'll have another war. Maybe this will be more difficult than i thought." me," i don't care! Im just scared of this world! I don't understand anything anymore!" i cling on to trender as i feel safe with him. Trender," child its okay! Ill help you and so will everyone else! It'll be alright!" i smiled a little and let go but stayed a little close to him. Slender," (y/n) can you do me a favor?" me," yeah? What is it?" slender," look at offender and make him sleep or something?" me," huh?$ offender," what?!" slender," like if you want him to just black out!" offender," oh hell no! I ain't no guinea pig for you slender man!" slender," shut up and just go with it!" me," how do I do that?" slender crouched in front of me and looked at me. Slender," think of it as you want one of those doctors unconscious." me," m'kay." i face offender and look at him. I think of him as a doctor and make him faint. Offender*" hey do you all feel light head?" slender," hm?" i continued to think the same thing and offender collapsed on the floor unconscious. Me," is he gonna be okay!" slender," yes he's just unconscious!" trender," so its true. She is a-" jeff," slender wheres- god (y/n)! They told me what ben did and that slender took you somewhere!" i turned around and jeff hugs me. Me," im fine just zalgo getting in my head." i hug him and jeff smiles. Jeff," well at least your okay! Huh? What happened to offender man?" slender," he tried to hit on (y/n) and she knocked him out with her flame." jeff," way da go sis!" he lets go of me and smirks.Jeff," do that to ben next!" me," m'kay!" splendor," should we wake him up?" trender," no let him stay therefor awhile! The girls have been complaining about privacy invasion." splendor," of course they have." me," lets go train!" jeff," yep!" me and jeff left and went to train.....

Slender POV

She left with jeff and i look at trender and splendor. Slender," so my theory is correct!" splendor," what type is she tho?" trender," she must be the confidence type! As she is never scared and has nothing to worry about. And she isn't shy and doesn't run away." me," so we have confirmed that she is a-" offender," ugh! What happened- wait i know what happened! Im not your guinea pig dammit!" me," no but nearly a test subject for my research!" offender," damn you slender man!" me," but is she the last of her kind? She must also be a fire type seeing as she uses fire." trender," why not take some of her blood and check?" me," cause we can't ask her and jeff is always watching her!" splendor," didn't you say she was in an asylum? Don't they take their blood and look at it." me," yes they do! Ill ask dr. Smiley if he can go to the one she was in and take the blood samples they had for her." trender," how is she not scared or afraid of anything? She should be after being in an insane asylum! How is she so innocent and kind?" me," have you seen the way she acts! She always smiles and never looks back at the past! If she did then she would be paranoid and scared!" splendor," she's a strong girl!" offender," im so confused right now!" me," my theory is correct about her! And i want to see if she is last of her kind! Her kind is rare and special! And we need to keep zalgo away from it!" offender," what type is she? If you say fire i will not mess with her!" me," it is fire so that means she is powerful! Which also means she controls fire, black out people as she please, make friends with animals, controls the weather, and well the one that can kill us!" trender," you mean she can-" splendor," stop our hearts and shut down our bodies." offender," why did you bring me here?!" me," test subject!" offender," i don't wanna die!" me," that's why we can't tell her she can do that one!" trender," she won't kill us!" me," no she won't but if we're ever around her while she does it then we will!" offender," why the fuck did you make me the test subject!" me," cause your older and your suppose to be responsible for what we do!" offender," fuck you!" me," no thank you!" offender," i hate you so much!" splendor," oh calm down! Its obvious we were gonna use you!" offender," wait why didn't you use splendor!" me," he's the youngest! We can't have the youngest be a test subject!" offender_" and trender!" me," he is second to the youngest so no. Plus he would know from the start!" offender"" why not use yourself!" me," cause im the one doing the research so i can't be a test subject!" offender," you two are so lucky your younger dammit!" trender and splendor," thank you!" offender," ugh! Im gonna go kill!" he left and i smiled. Me," we all know why we used him right!" splendor," cause of that prank he pulled on us on valintimes day?" me," yep!" trender," he deserves it! You don't fucking tell people that a human is stalking you and has a shrine of you!" me," *shiver* ugh! The worst part was offender actually made fake shrines and put them in human houses!" splendor," *shivers* ugh! He made mine creepy!" me," well we got back at him but we're not done!" trender," which will she do next?" me," the forest needs some rain? Don't you think?" i smirk and they knew what i meant! Trender," ah yes it does! But won't their be lightning?" splendor," oh well i guess if their is lightning then i hope it doesn't hit us!" me," yes hope so indeed!" (wow just cause offender did one little prank!) we left my office and went down stairs where we found offender had lulu in the corner trapped. Me," offender get away from her!" offender," grr! Fine! See you soon!" offender teleports away and lulu breathed relieved. Lulu," thanks slendy!" me," go with Lazari! Im sure she wants to play!" lulu," okay!" i left to the kitchen and saw masky, hoodie and toby.Toby," okay so is this good enough for her or do i need more?" hoodie," what are we doing exactly?" toby," my song for (y/n)! Is it good or do i need to do better!" masky," im not saying shit!" hoodie," me neither! Why would we help you win her heart when we wanna do the same!" toby," ah c'mon! Please! What if you wrote it then? What would you think?" masky," we're still not gonna answer." toby," pleaseeeeee!" hoodie," no toby!" toby," pleaseeeeee!" masky," no rogers!" toby," ill destroy your cheese cake!" hoodie and masky," if you fucking touch it your dead!" toby," song!" masky & hoodie," no!" toby," fine!" me," what song?" they turn around and saw me.Toby," hey slender man! Did i say song? I mean s-s-s-sewage? Yeah! Sewage!" me," let me see it!" toby," the sewage?" me," the song toby, since you so badly want someone to see how it is ill do it! Plus i know her better the all of you!" toby," oh yeah! Im an idiot!" he took out a folded paper and passed it to me. I grab it and read it. Me," she won't know half the words you used. She doesn't have an education since she was in an asylum for like years toby." toby," aw man! We can teach her and then i can sing it to her!" me," like make a school for her?" toby," kinda?" me," hm? Me and my brother's were gonna teach her but seeing as they'll be distracted on how she is maybe?" masky," wait your gonna let offender teach her?!" hoodie," the only thing he'll teach her is to lose her virg-" me," you know very well i won't let offender teach her!" toby," that is a huge obvious you two!" me," well its either me,trender, and splendor teach her or we can have a small school for her." toby," small school!" hoodie," but the enders know more than us so the enders." masky," i guess im the tie breaker! Uh lets see........Um? Small school!" toby," yes!" me," alright then she will go to specific rooms for learning and development. In the mean time we need to keep her safe and out of harms way-" the door bursted open and i heard jeff cussing. I teleport in the living room and see jeff on his knees. Me," what's wrong? And where's (y/n)?" jeff," *mumbles* he fucking took her!" me," what did you say?" jeff," he fucking took her! He took (y/n) and she........After she....." me," jeff what happened!" jeff," we were training and we relaxed after training for hours. Then she sat down and he fucking came out and tied me to a tree. She fought him but he refused to fight so she untied me and she disappeared with zalgo!" me," shit!" jeff," i hate her last words! The words she told me!" toby," what did she say?" jeff," she said to take care and to........Not brother looking for her." masky," what?!" hoodie," that means something's gonna happen to her!" toby," slender man we have to go get her!" me," get my brothers and we'll head out now! Of she said that then she knows something!" they left to get my brothers and jeff punched the wall. I left outside and my brother came. We opened a portal and left to the under realm......

ოჄ fტllტwპRႽ ႩRპ  ႠႬპ ႪპႽႠ! i lტVპ ႠႬპო! ჄპႩႬ!

Ahhh! Cliffhanger! What's gonna happen! Will you die? Will you turn to a demon? Will zalgo confess his love? Will the slender bro's save you? Will jeff go crazy if your dead? Why did trender ask if you wanted a father? Why was ben watching you? Why do I ask questions when some times y'all don't answer them? I'm kidding! You don't have to answer but it'll be fun if you got it right! Alright guys bye! And stay powerful! Stay mysterious!and life is your journey to what the prize is at the end and the challenges ahead are your quests of life! Bye!

Zalgos Deviling Wish (Zalgos × Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now