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The next morning, all three boys were woken up by a high pitched cry. "Shhh shhh, it's okay baby girl." Taehyung said as he bounced her in his arms. He got up and walked back over to his apartment. Jungkook was pouring a cup of coffee while Yoongi laid on the couch. Yoongi rubbed his temples as the baby continued to cry.

"Hyung, I need help with her." Taehyung whined. Yoongi sat up and walked over to the sink and pulled a full bottle of warm formula out a handed it to Taehyung. "C-could... um... could you do that thing with the blanket again?" Yoongi took the cup of coffee from Jungkook and drank half of it before disappearing to the baby's room to grab her blanket. "I'm sorry she woke you both up." Taehyung said as Yoongi walked back into the room. "It's okay." Yoongi and Jungkook said.

Yoongi took the baby from Taehyung and swaddled her, then took the bottle and fed her. "So... last night..." Taehyung blushed a deep red and pointed towards his room. "I- uh... clothes." He said before running into his room. Yoongi looked at Jungkook. "Dude, what did I do?" Jungkook smirked before shrugging. "That's a conversation for you and Taehyung. I need to get going, Jimin needs something." Yoongi chuckled.

"What? Dick in his mouth, this early?"

"Shut up. I'll see you later." Jungkook said before leaving. Yoongi laughed a bit as he watched Jungkook leave. Taehyung cursed under his breath once he heard the door slam shut. He took a quick shower then got dressed. He walked out to find Yoongi and his daughter sleeping on the couch. He smiled and made himself a bowl of cereal before sitting next to them.

Taehyung blushed as he looked over Yoongi's features. He caressed Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi opened one eye a bit, Taehyung hadn't noticed, otherwise he wouldn't of done what he did next.

Yoongi's eyebrows raised and both of his eyes were wide open. Taehyung had set his bowel onto the coffee table before pressing a soft kiss onto Yoongi's lips. Yoongi relaxed and closed his eyes again as Taehyung pulled away. Taehyung smiled to himself and he blushed as he pushed back Yoongi's hair. Taehyung was about to kiss him on the forehead when there was a loud knock on his door. Taehyung jumped a bit and the baby started to cry. Yoongi was rubbing and patting the baby's baby with one hand while his other was grasping onto Taehyung's waist.

When Taehyung had jumped he had scooted closer to Yoongi, grasping onto the older's shirt, Yoongi had instinctively wrapped his arm around the other. "You okay?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung blushed as he looked at Yoongi. "Y-yeah. I should get that." Taehyung quickly got up and answered the door.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Taehyung moved back over and took the baby from Yoongi and sat on his lap. "Really, Taehyung? There's plenty of couch space." Taehyung's father said as he sat down on the couch. "It's not as comfortable. Why are you here?" Yoongi blushed and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, taking advantage of the opportunity set in front of him. 

"Well, we didn't get to talk much last night. I didn't get to pester you with questions. Like how do you afford this place? Do you two live together? Stuff like that." Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, but Yoongi cleared his voice. "I live next door, but we were thinking about moving out of this place after I finished with this semester of school." "What are you in school for." "Business. I want to own my own music studio." Taehyung's father nodded his head. "And what about you? Do you even have a job? Or are you just living off of my money?" 

Yoongi could feel Taehyung tense up. "I have a job. I only use your money for the baby." "What do you do?" "P-" "Uh he um works with my father and I. My dad has a business. He sells apartments." Taehyung's father scoffed. "Then how could you two live in this crappy one?" Yoongi internally sighed. "It's close to my school. We probably wouldn't of meet if it weren't for this place." Yoongi said the last part as he looked at Taehyung, blushing a bit. "Well, you don't care that he has a baby already?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "No, of course not. She's so precious. I kind of think of her as my own." "You do?" Taehyung asked, his eyes sparkling as he smiled. Yoongi smiled back. "Yeah." Taehyung kissed Yoongi, surprising the older, causing him to jump a bit in his reaction to it. He soon smiled against Taehyung's lips. Taehyung smiled back and kissed Yoongi over and over until Taehyung's father's light cough interrupted them. 

"Anyways, if this is all true, Yoongi, I would like to meet with your father. I told Taehyung he shouldn't do these kinds of things until he's ready for marriage." Taehyung blushed. "So, I expect you two to pick a date soon. I'll have your mother arrange a dinner to discuss everything, I'll give you a month. Hopefully you'll be settled in by then." Taehyung's father said before standing up and walking towards the door. "Take care now boys, see you soon." Taehyung sighed and looked down at his daughter. 

"Marriage? Was he joking?" Yoongi asked. "No. Fuck, I'm sorry Yoongi! I should of just told them the truth instead of dragging you into this." "But you're only eighteen, why would he want you to get married so soon? He didn't even ask how long we've been dating." Taehyung looked at Yoongi. "He and my mom married young. He started his business. I think he thinks my life will play out like his if I follow in his footsteps. I don't know." Taehyung finished with a sigh. Yoongi leaned back on the couch and placed his hands on Taehyung's waist.

 "Tae?" "Yes, hyung?" "What happened last night?" Taehyung turned a dark shade of red. "Nothing." Yoongi sighed and stared into the younger's eyes. "Taehyung." Taehyung looked at the sleeping baby in his arms. "I should go put her down first." Taehyung left. Yoongi sighed as he looked at his phone to check the time. He stood up and walked towards the baby's room. Taehyung was walking back out of room, bumping into Yoongi. He blushed as he looked up at Yoongi. "I'm s-sorry, hyung." Yoongi smiled. "Tae, you're blushing, again." Taehyung pouted. "Am not." Yoongi smirked and got closer. "Yes, you are." 

Taehyung quickly looked down at Yoongi's lips, then back into his eyes. Yoongi placed his hands on Taehyung's waist to keep him from moving away. "Are you okay, Tae? You seem...nervous." Taehyung bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "No, hyung. I'm not." Yoongi leaned in and smirked. "I have to go to work, could-" "Of course she can. I don't mind." Taehyung said quickly, hoping Yoongi would move away after. "Thank you, cutie. I'll see you when I get home." Taehyung's eyes widen. "C-cute-" Yoongi pecked Taehyung on the lips before moving back to the living room to pet the dogs good bye. "See you later, Tae." Yoongi said before he left. Taehyung sighed out and walked over to the couch. 

He sat there for about twenty minutes, thinking about Yoongi. There was a knock on the door. Taehyung got up and answered. "Oh, hyung. Hi, um, Yoongi-hyung is at work." Jungkook smiled. 

"I actually came here to talk to you." 

Possessed By Affection: Book One | TaeGi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now