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"Okay? And? You are IN LOVE with Taehyung. Why would you just stop fighting for him?" Jin asked.

"He's really excited to go out with Jungkook." Yoongi said with a shrug. Namjoon was staring out into space as he spoke. "I don't really think Yoongi-hyung fought for him to begin with. As soon as Jungkook showed interest, he backed down. Perhaps, he feels like he's not good enough for Taehyung, or that Taehyung will get bored and move on." Namjoon took a deep breath, sighing as he breathed out.

 "Or he's so afraid of being in love with someone and them actually reciprocating those feels, that he's decided to close himself off. That's why he hasn't made a move. But he's so in love and infatuated with Taehyung that he really really wants to get rid of the feelings that hold him back from loving and being with Taehyung. But, he doesn't know what that something is."

 Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok were all staring at Namjoon. "Whoa...." Hoseok said. "Joonie, that was deep." Jin said. Yoongi looked at Namjoon then at the wall that Taehyung's apartment and his own shared. Namjoon blushed and rubbed his neck. "Sorry..." Yoongi shook his head. "It's fine, it was just kinda scary how accurate you were...." "Can you like read minds or something?" Hoseok asked. Jin and Yoongi both have Hoseok a look before they all erupted into laughter.


"Oh! I'll get her! I've been wanting to hold her all day!" Hoseok said before he shot up and ran towards Mi-Young's room. "Hyung, you okay?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi shrugged and leaned back. "I'm just thinking.... still, processing everything you just said." Hoseok walked back in with Mi-young in his arms. 

Jin winced and covered his ears. "Why won't she stop screaming?" Hoseok shrugged and continued to bounce her in his arms. Yoongi got up and took her from him. "Hobi, she's burning up." Yoongi sighed and handed her back to Hoseok. "I'm gonna go get Taehyung." Yoongi said before running over to his apartment and knocking on the door. 


 It took Taehyung a couple minutes, but he eventually shuffled out of bed and walked to the door. He opened the door for Yoongi. "Hyung?" "Tae- why are you crying?" Taehyung sniffled. "Bad dream, what's wrong hyung?" Yoongi wanted to hold the younger and kiss him until he felt better, but he had to think of Mi-young first. "Mi-young, she's got a fever. Put some pants on, we have to get her to the hospital." Taehyung pushed past Yoongi and ran into his apartment. He grabbed Mi-young from Hoseok and felt her forehead. 

"Hyung?" All of the older boys turned in his direction. Taehyung blushed and handed Mi-young to Yoongi. "Jin-hyung, could you stay with the dogs?" Jin nodded. "We'll stay until you guys get back." Jin said. Taehyung nodded and thanked him before running to put pants on. 

Twenty minutes later, Yoongi and were waiting in Mi-young's hospital room while she slept. "Tae, are you okay?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung nodded. "I'm just worried about Mi-young." Yoongi sighed and made the younger look at him. "No, I meant because of earlier, when I came and got you. I know you weren't crying over a nightmare." 

Taehyung sighed and pouted. Yoongi smiled and leaned in closer. "Please tell me, TaeTae?" Taehyung blushed and smirked. "No." Yoongi smirked and leaned in more. "You're a brat. You'll tell me eventually."  Taehyung giggled a bit. "Sure, hyungie." Yoongi smiled and looked down at Taehyung's lips. He kissed Taehyung, moving his hand up to rest it on Taehyung's neck. He placed it back down on his knee when Taehyung abruptly moved back. Yoongi pouted as he looked at the younger. "Tae-?" "Yoongi-hyung, we can't." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the doctor and his assistance who walked in. 

"Mr. Kim, Mr. Min. We'd like to keep Mi-young over night, until her fever breaks." Taehyung nodded. "My assistant will be staying here to keep an eye on her, so you and Mr. Min can go home and get some rest." Taehyung shook his head. "No, I want to stay with her." The doctor smiled at Taehyung. "Mr. Kim, I assure you, she is in good hands. We'll call if anything happens. We really do insist that you both go home." Yoongi place his hands on Taehyung's shoulders.

 "Babe, we can come back here in the morning, as soon as you wake up." Taehyung pouted. "I have to work tomorrow." Yoongi smiled. "I'm off tomorrow, I'll stay with her all day and message you throughout the day. And if she's feeling better, I'll bring her up to see you. Okay?" Taehyung nodded and leaned back into Yoongi who was standing behind him. 

They thanked the doctors before walking over to Mi-young and kissing her good bye and good night. Yoongi sighed as he started the car. He froze as he heard soft cries coming from the boy next to him. "Aw Tae, its just a fever. She'll be okay baby." Yoongi said as he rubbed Taehyung's back. Taehyung nodded and wiped his tears. "I've just never been with out her for this long. The longest was a day when she was with my parents." Taehyung sighed and sniffled. "It'll be okay. I promise." Taehyung nodded and leaned his head against the window. 


Taehyung sluggishly walked to his apartment and opened the door. Jin got up and walked over to them. "They kept her?" Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, its late. I think Taehyung needs to go to bed." Yoongi said softly. Jin nodded and woke up Namjoon and Hoseok. "Keep us posted, you can tell me more about it tomorrow. I'll come over and see you." Yoongi nodded and thanked them before they exited Taehyung's apartment. Yoongi helped the younger into his bed. He turned off the light and began to talk to his apartment. "Hyung?" Yoongi turned and walked back over to Taehyung. "Yeah?" "Stay. Please? I don't want to be alone." 

Yoongi smiled softly and crawled into bed with Taehyung. "Are we calling off dinner with your parents tomorrow?" Taehyung sighed and turned his back to Yoongi. "No, we'll just bring her along." Yoongi nodded although Taehyung couldn't see. He laid on his back and stared at Taehyung's ceiling. 



 "Could you hold me?"

Yoongi looked at the back of Taehyung's head before wrapping his arms around the boy's small waist. Taehyung pouted and turned a bit to look at Yoongi. "I meant, could you hold me, like spoon me, cuddle with me." Yoongi blushed and scooted a bit closer. 

Taehyung sighed and move back so his ass was pressed against Yoongi's crotch. Taehyung chuckled at some of the noises Yoongi had involuntarily made. Yoongi blushed and tickled Taehyung's side a bit. "Don't laugh at me! I didn't know you were going to do that." 

Taehyung giggled and squirmed a bit. "Tae-" Taehyung giggled again as Yoongi's breath hit the back of his neck, tickling him. Yoongi bit his bottom lip. "Taehyung-ah." Taehyung moved again. Yoongi gripped Taehyung's hip. "Taehyung-ah." Yoongi said with a growl. The younger froze and began to turn completely red. 

"I'm s-sorry hyung!"

Possessed By Affection: Book One | TaeGi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now