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To say Min Yoongi was anything but happy, would most likely be the truth. In fact it was the truth. He was miserable.

He felt like the world was against him. That it had been against him his whole life. But Yoongi thought it was stupid of him to think that way, to ever feel sorry for himself. It was hard not to when the world guided him through his path of life the way it did.

Yes, his family was successful and some-what rich. He had the highest education one could have. He had material things, but those things never really mattered to Yoongi.

He just wanted to be happy. And he was for a moment. Ever since his happiness had been ripped away from him as fast as Velcro on a pair of shoes, Yoongi felt as if he couldn't breath. Like he was holding his breath.

He'd take deep breaths in and push them out, but nothing ever worked. The tightness in his chest never left.

He missed Mi-young. Of course Taehyung still let Yoongi see her and spend time with her, but not ever with Taehyung in the room. Every time he tried to talk to the younger, Taehyung would make up an excuse to get away from Yoongi.

It had been a week since he heard Taehyung and Jungkook, together, on the very couch he was seated on, holding Mi-young. There was a knock on Taehyung's front door. "Hey babe." Jungkook said.

The word made Yoongi want to gag. Jungkook gave Yoongi a small smile. "Hi hyung." Yoongi nodded and turned his attention back to Mi-young as Jungkook kissed Taehyung.

They began to whisper to each other which drove Yoongi crazy. He sighed and stood up. He walked Mi-young over to Taehyung. "Tae, I gotta go to work now, I'll see you guys."  Yoongi headed out the door.

"Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed as he followed Yoongi. Yoongi turned and looked at the younger's cute face. "Yeah, Tae?" Taehyung smiled a bit. "Um, the rehearsal dinner is tonight, hyung. It starts a six. Jungkook-hyung is going to watch Mi-young since he's staying the night already."

Yoongi nodded and waved to Taehyung before walking into his apartment. "Stupid Jungkook." Yoongi whispered to himself.

Yoongi had wanted to call off from work, so he could just lay in bed until six. But he had decided that staying and hearing Taehyung and Jungkook be couple-ly would be more torturous.

Yoongi sighed as he got ready for work. He left his apartment and took the stairs down. He walked out to his car and froze once he saw Jimin sitting on his trunk. "Hi Jimin. What-?" Jimin sighed and got down he embraced the elder tightly.

Yoongi stood still for a moment, confused. He jumped a bit once he realized he should hug Jimin back. "What's wrong Jiminie?" Jimin sighed and and let go of Yoongi. "Hoseok turned me down."

"Guy's I'm back!" Hoseok exclaimed as he walked inside the apartment. "It's just me hyung! I'm in the living room!" Jimin shouted back. Jimin smiled as the elder walked around the corner. "Where is everyone?" Hoseok asked as he sat down next to Jimin.

"Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung are at Jin-hyung's place and Kookie is with Tae." Hoseok smiled and nodded. "Poor Jiminie is all by himself. I'll keep you company!" Hoseok said as he draped his arm around Jimin's shoulders. Jimin blushed and looked up at Hoseok.

Jimin took a deep breath. "Hyung..." Hoseok looked down at Jimin. "Yeah, Jiminie?" Jimin sighed before grabbing the sides of Hoseok's face and kissing him.

Hoseok was taken aback. He wasn't quite sure what was going on, but he kissed the younger back.

He just went ahead and went along with whatever Jimin was doing, until the younger boy got onto his lap. Hoseok pulled away.

"Um, Jimin? I'm confused. Why- I-" "I like you hyung." Jimin said and he looked down at Hoseok's lips. Hoseok took a second to process everything. "I've liked you for a long time and-"

Hoseok shook his head. "I'm sorry Jiminie... but no, you don't." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, he kept his eyes on Hoseok, as Hoseok placed Jimin back down next to him.

"Hyung, yes I do-" Hoseok smiled and took Jimin's hands in his own. "No, you don't Jimin. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the letter J?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows more. "Jimin-" Hoseok chuckled and shook his head.

"Okay, the second thing you think of." "Jungkoo- OH! ....oh." Jimin said with widened eyes.

Hoseok smiled and nodded. "That's what I thought. Jimin, I love you like a little brother, I don't say that to hurt you if you're still in denial and you think you like me. I say it because I know you feel the same way, you love me like an older brother. The love you have for Kookie is much different." Jimin pouted and looked down.

"He's with Taehyung now I'm sure..." Hoseok's eyebrows raised. "Um, why?" Jimin shrugged and sighed. "He's in love with Yoongi-hyung-" "He is?!" Jimin asked. "I'm pretty sure. You've seen the way Taehyung looks at him." Jimin nodded. "And hyungie is completely in love with Tae... ugh fuck, how do we get Tae and Jungkook away from each other?"

Hoseok shrugged. "I think, Jiminie, that we have to let them figure it out for themselves." Jimin nodded. "Thank you hyung! I'm sorry-" Hoseok smiled and waved Jimin off. "It's okay, you didn't hurt my feelings. I'm just glad I could help!" Jimin chewed on his bottom lip. "So, we're okay?" Hoseok nodded.

"Okay! I'm gonna go talk to Jungkook!" Jimin said as he got up. He winced a bit as pain began to surge through his bottom. Hoseok shook his head. "You let Jungkook fuck the life out of you before you confess to me? Come on Jiminie!" Hoseok said jokingly. Jimin chuckled and threw a pillow at Hoseok. "Shhh! I'll see you when I get back hyung."

"So, yeah. I also just wanted to check on you." Jimin said to Yoongi. Yoongi smiled and patted the younger's shoulder. "Thanks, Jimin. I'm sorry Hoseok rejected you." Jimin shrugged. "He did it for me." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

Jimin sighed. "I actually came here to confess to Jungkook... but I just can't do it. I feel like I'm gonna throw up every time I try to walk into the building." Yoongi nodded and sighed.

"Wanna come to work with me? Do you have your clothes for the rehearsal dinner with you?" Jimin shook his head. "No, can we go pick them up on the way back?" Yoongi nodded and opened the passenger's door for Jimin.

Yoongi got in and looked at Jimin. "Are you going to confess-" Jimin shook his head. "No. I'll wait till it gets closer to the wedding, then maybe we can go together."

Possessed By Affection: Book One | TaeGi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now