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1- ACE



Layla's POV

"Ace," I sighed.

"Listen Layla, if you dont feel the same way, I fully understand-", he let go of my hands gently. I cut him off mid-sentence.

"No, Ace. It's not about that. I've always had feelings for you, but I don't want to get hurt. I've been hurt too many times and now with my mom gone, it's just going to be too much pain to handle."

"Lala, I know how it feels, but your mom will be back."

"No she won't, she'll never be back," my eyes were teary. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so badly but I couldn't. Not in front of Ace. Not again.

"Lala, just believe in yourself, okay? We all go through dark, sad moments but just remember that a storm can't last forever and when the storm ends, there is a rainbow."

"Thank you Ace, really. For being there for me and trying to make me feel better but no one can change that she is gone."

"She is not gone, Lala. She is still here with us as long as you don't give up on her, she'll be fine. I love you, and I always will. I will never hurt you because I know how much it hurts when the person you love the most, leaves or hurts you in ways that are unimaginable," his voice was low - he sounded somewhat... sad?

Even though I knew this moment was to good to be true, I was happy. He has always been there for me and tried to help me through everything, but as a sister, I didn't think he'd ever like me, and here he was, confessing that he has always liked me. Why do I feel like its too good to be true? And why did he sound sad?

Never-the-less, I spoke, "I love you too Ace, more than you could ever imagine."



I wake up with my phone ringing and look to see who the caller ID was.


"Hello?", I picked up the phone, curious.

"Hello! How are you?", the voice on the other end sounded familiar but I couldn't quite figure out who it was. She sounded like a girl I spoke to before but who?

"I'm good and you?", I was still confused to who it was but maybe if I heard a little more of her voice, I would recognize her.

"Ag, I'm good thanks. So, have you spoken to your brother about my party tonight?"

When she said these words I knew exactly who it was.

"Uh. Um. No I haven't. Not yet."

"Well please speak to him. I don't want him to miss an unforgettable night."

"Yeah, I will. Don't worry."

"Oh and you can also bring your friend with the brown hair."

I can take a friend!

"Her name is Kayla and thank you so much for letting her come.", I was so excited. I could finally go!

"Her? I meant the one that went to visit you yesterday. The boy. The cute one."


"The one that went with you guys to the theatre last night."

Wait. What?

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