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-Thank you to kikiboo4444 for helping me make my cover!-


A lie is a statement used intentionally for the purpose of deception. A lie is something that if it is told, you may never be able to forgive or return to your old ways with that specific person again. Once you have been told a lie, you may never be able to trust that person ever again.


I am a year younger than Austin Adams. You read right... THE Austin Adams, aka. the captain of the football team, the 'prince charming', the 'golden boy', but most of all, the most irritating older brother of all time but it seems like since we moved here, he is never at home to irritate me. He is always either with friends or out at clubs and drinking. I haven't spoken to him for about two weeks. I haven't seen him either.

For the past two weeks he hasn't been at school or at home, so I have been stuck all alone, doing nothing else but go to school, eat and sleep all day - my daily routine even when Austin is home.

My mom, on the other hand, travels. I don't really know her occupation. She has never really liked to speak about it, but it has got something to do with money. An accountant maybe? I dont know if an accountant even travels?

I have never met my dad. He left us when I was still growing in my mom's whomb. And by 'left' I mean that he is no longer living on Earth. And no. Before you think any further, no, he is not an alien that had to move back to his planet before the Alien Council found out he had a child with a human. I am definitely not part-alien, part-human. In actual fact, my dad died of some sort of heart infection that infected his blood causing for blood to clog up in his veins, stopping the flow of blood to his brain - pretty painful death if you ask me.

Austin has a best friend who is like my second brother, Ace Donovan Atmore. They have been friends since they were in diapers. They went to kindergarten together - met each other when getting into trouble for flirting with the girls, and boom. Friends.

They're both players - thanks to their good looks - and it irratates the living daylights out of me because they hurt girls for no reason, but hay, I guess it's the girl's fault for falling for them in the first place.

Ace has always been there for me and I don't want to loose the friendship I have with him, ever. He is the kind of friend that you would go out and have an ice-cream just for fun, or go to the mall just to make fun of the shoes people wear. He is just that friend that you will die if you ever lost him.

Ace has a gorgeous sister with angel-like features who also happens to be my best friend, Ava Daniella Atmore.

Ava has been there for me through thick and thin. She is like my walking diary or as I like to call it - my human diary. She knows every single thing that goes on in my life and thanks to her I have gotten through many obstacles in my life - let's just say I am very insecure.

Just like Ace and Austin, Ava and I have also been friends since kindergarten, just that we never met while getting into trouble for 'flirting with boys'.

We actaully met while colouring a picture of Santa Clause. She asked to borrow my red crayon and then we started speaking. We started hanging out together and since then, we have been inseparable, until now.

Since we moved to Los Angeles - about seven months ago - I haven't seen her. We speak now-and-then over the phone but it's not the same. The next time I'll be able to see her is in a years time, for my 18th birthday, but that is still an extremely long wait.

My two other friends, Kayla and Aidan are really cool too. Even though we haven't been friends as long as Ava and I have been, they're still really good friends, in my opinion. They both have unique personalities which make them each spectacular in their own ways.

I really miss Ava but I guess we all have to adapt to our new life at some stage because nothing ever stays the same.


Welcome to 'Untold Lies'! Thank you SO MUCH for clicking onto this book!

It was really hard to find a way to introduce you to the story so this is basically just a background of Layla's life so you can understand the story a little bit better.

There are going to be SO many mysteries and changes, secrets and lies but in the end will it all be resolved? Well read till the end and we'll find out together!

Due to school, homework, etc. I will only be able to post a new chapter everytime I finish another chapter.

I will try update almost every two weeks BUT I need your help.

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Please comment and vote on every chapter. It will motivate me to carry on writing (because I lose interest very fast).

Please make sure you have read each chapter properly because the small bits of information that don't seem like they'll be needed, will be the information you need in order to understand and fill the gaps in the story.

If you see any mistakes including spelling errors, grammar, etc. please do not hesitate to let me know, I do edit and go through each chapter before updating but I am human so I do make mistakes. It would be much appreciated.

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Thank you once again for checking this story out! I hope you enjoy!

I love you all so much!

Lots of Love,

[ Published on 1 January 2019 ]

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[ Published on 1 January 2019 ]

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