Frank's Secret Family

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"And I'm the man who killed the Avengers," he said the look on his face making me want to kill this Maximoff girl. "I saw them all dead Perce. Felt it. The whole world too. Because of me. Wasn't ready, didn't do all I could."

"Maximoff girl, she's working you, Leo," I said as he vehemently shook his head. "Playing on your fear. You were one of the ones who saved the world. Twice."

"I watched my friends die," he said, fiddling with a tool he picked up. "You would think that'd be as bad as it gets, right?" He laughed humorlessly. "Nope. It wasn't the worst part."

"The worst part," I said, walking up to him, "is that you didn't. We're all still alive, Valdez. Get that through your head."

the_irish_hufflepuff and I are not doing Civil War or Infinity Wars for those of you who are worried. We are going off track after Age of Ultron and Agents of SHEILD Season 2. We will vaguely stick to the plot lines but otherwise, the story is no longer heading towards Endgame.

"Uncle Percy!" I was nearly tackled to the floor when I followed Leo into the house. "Uncle Percy, do the thing!"

"The thing?" I asked, pretending not to know what Frank's kids were talking about. "What's that?"

Cooper Barton twisted his hands in a way that I could only assume was an attempt to mimic me. His sister laughed at his attempt and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Where did you two learn that look?" I demanded, immediately bringing my hands up to cover my eyes.

"They learned it from you, Perce," Frank said as if I should have known. "It is your look, aren't you immune?"

"Oh, right," I relaxed.

"Uncle Peeeerrrccyyyyyyy!" Lila begged, bouncing on her feet.

"Fine," I fake slouched in defeat and brought my hands up not unlike Cooper was doing earlier.

A string of golden sparkles trailed after my fingers and formed the figures of the both of them before solidifying into hard candies. They would disappear before the sun rose again...into stomachs.

"You'd better not be making anymore candy, Perseus Jackson!"

I made a surprised face and silently ushered the kids to hind the candy upstairs. They tried to be quiet but their giggles were unmistakeable.

"Of course not, Laura!" I called, just as the kids could not keep it in any longer. A loud round of laughter filled the house and Bruce and Natasha walked over to see me standing sheepishly in the front room. "Bring in Steve and Thor, we need to talk."

"Thor left," Steve said from the door, surprising me. "Said he went to find answers."

"Oh," I said, deflating a bit. But then, "Logan! Trip! Buck! Get to the kitchen!"

"What about Peter?" Logan's voice came from upstairs.

"Oh, yeah, Paul too I guess," I said carelessly.

"His name is Peter!"

"And you said he wasn't your boyfriend," I smirked as I led Steve, Leo, Bruce and Nat into the kitchen.

"What was that?" Logan yelled down. She sounded closer, lik she was on the stairs.


"What did he say, Pete?" I heard Logan asked, quieter at a normal tone.

Percy Jackson; the SHEILD AgentWhere stories live. Discover now