A Caffeine Addiction

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"A newer one," I said with a chuckle. "But I answer to the Olympian Council. Greek god of warriors and protector of mortals. I'm the one they go to if they need to meddle in the affairs of mortals since they cannot."

"He's a pain in the butt," Wong added with a grumble. "It's good riddance that you are leaving, honestly."

"Don't worry, Wong, you will see more of me yet. This fight is only just beginning." I said ominously before disappearing.

"You have it?" Athena asked the second she saw me enter her library.

"Would I come if I didn't?" I set the cup of Starbucks nectar laced coffee on her table and smiled smugly.

"You did once," she said as she brought it to her lips with an excited hum.

"Is Dove still with Logan in Wakanda?" I asked, ignoring her statement.

"No." I spun around to see my girlfriend come through the doors. "I got back today. Logan is with Tony and Peter."

I grinned at her, excited to see her after so long. Fine, I saw her like, last week but that's too long okay? Granted, I would think that just 24 hours would be too long but here we are. "How did it go?"

"About as well as you would think." Aphrodite sighed. She said it with enough tiredness that I changed my mind about asking. "Are you ready for the Council, 'Thena?"

While we had been talking, the goddess of wisdom was chugging the extra large cup of coffee even as she gathered her notes. Two seconds after Aphrodite asked her question, she dropped the now empty cup into the trash by the door. "Yup." She said. "Let's go."

Aphrodite eyed me with concern.

I could only stare in morbid fascination. "That had twenty shots of espresso and half a Monster in it."

My girlfriend's eyes widened before she dashed after her sister. "You actually got her that? Athena!"

We made it to the throne room while people were still coming in, fortunately. No one would notice Athena's...unnatural attentiveness until she would start talking. I'm not sure that would be better.

Aphrodite and I settled into the love seat that is now her throne. We tried to look innocent but I think Artemis and Dad were suspicious. In fact, the huntress started making her way over to us, making me panic a little. Thankfully, Zeus had finally sat down (interrupting an argument with Hera) and cleared his throat.

"Let's get this started, shall we?" He said. "We have a lot of work to do if we want to figure out what is going on, who is trying to gather the stones, and why they need them."

My head jerked in slight surprise. "Wow, he actually knows why we're here," I said under my breath, impressed.

"That's not impressive," Aphrodite dismissed. "If Dionysus actually knows what we're doing here, then you can be impressed."

I acknowledged that with a nod. She was right, of course.

"Athena, what is the update?" Zeus said, unaware of our small side conversation.

"We have learned that there are two stones—the space and reality stone—on Asgard. Percy has the time stone, and Vision has the mind stone. The power and soul stone are in space, relatively close together, but you would still need a certain amount of travel time to get from one to the other. It might also be difficult considering who is watching over one of them." Athena answered without taking a breath. "I figured that two groups of us could go retrieve the stones from their respective places. I would suggest sending Percy after the power stone, as he seems to be the least likely to be tempted by the powers they possess."

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