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"How are we on that face trace?" I shouted.

"79% match," one agent called.

"Where?" I asked.

"Stuttgart, Germany," he answered, "He's not really hiding."

"Captain," I said to test it out. Yep, he still answers to it. "You are up."

He took a deep breath and walked out to suit up.

I looked to Aphrodite. "Agent Dove, go tell Agent Kelp to get ready, you two are going as well," I told her with a smirk.

She smirked back and left. I sighed. This is going to be stressful, I can just tell.

On the flight back to the helicarrier after Thor, Stark and Rogers had their temper tantrum, Stark turned to me, confusion clear on his face.

"You did not do anything, why did Fury send you two?" he asked.

Aphrodite smirked as I turned to her. "I asked the same thing," I said, faking confusion myself. "Dove, do you know?"

"Not sure, supervision, perhaps?" She suggested with a straight face.

I nodded as Tony snorted and Natasha hid a smile. "Makes sense," I commented.

When we landed on the helicarrier, Natasha conveniently told me Fury wanted me to check on the recruits in the training room.

"Thanks, Nat," I said, I turned to Aphrodite, "Dove, would you be so kind as to go with Nat? I need you to keep an eye on Thor and Tony."

"Hey!" Tony exclaimed, "I do not need your girlfriend to babysit me!"

"And I don't want to baby sit," Aphrodite crossed her arms and pouted.

I quickly turned away. "No, please not that face," I said, "it is how you get me to watch seven hours of chick-flicks with you!"

"Don't send me off with Stark," she reasoned.

I huffed. Even when I am turned away, I can still see with perfect clarity, her face with her bottom lip out just a smidge and her eyes some how doing that thing in cartoons where it gets bigger and more adorable. "Fine, go find Fury," I told her.

She smirked victoriously. I basically told her she could come with me to interrogate the Asguardian.

I grumbled as I went to my office where I could transform in private. My place is the only place on the helicarrier that has a separate security system. I checked the cameras to see where everyone was and saw Loki give a creepy smile to Banner. Wonderful. I just hope what he is planning with Hulk is going to make the team stronger, not mis-functional. That would be bad.

Aphrodite and I arrived (as Fury) just as the guards were putting him in the cage built with the Hulk in mind so in case anything stronger came along, we would be ready. Like we are now. I feel very proud of myself for coming up with the idea.

"In case it is unclear," I said, walking up to a consul with a large red button. The urge to push it was almost overwhelming. If you try to escape, if you so much as scratch that glass," I pushed the big red button almost giddily and the wind from outside came in, making me need to shout. "30,000 drop in a steel trap. You get it?"

Percy Jackson; the SHEILD AgentWhere stories live. Discover now