The Battle

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We have a war to win. Loki was gone and so was Thor and Bruce. We had no idea where any of them were and my beautiful ship was damaged. We have an army of chitari coming in from space, probably a bigger threat than we realize and I am not going to have my date with my girlfriend this week.

Stupid war.

It is more than enough to get me wanting to fight. Just the threat on my date would have been enough.

What Loki does not know is that Coulson was loved by every one of the Avengers team.

They're going to want to avenge him.

The next few hours after Coulson 'died' were spent mourning him. All Steve did was stare at the bloodied cards on the table and Tony looked like he lost a best friend. I guess he technically did, the four of us were pretty much by ourselves before we were driven out of camp. Natasha was with Barton, helping him recover from the massive hit on the head she managed to give him to knock him out of what ever mind control Loki had him under.

Thor and Banner were still gone, missing in action. This put us at a disadvantage; Banner was the only person besides Rogers that does not know I am actually Agent Kelp. I had a feeling I needed to tell them soon.

I left them to their mourning, knowing they would figure out what to do on their own. In the meantime, I was going to find Thor. I had an idea for our problem with Loki.

I froze on my way out. Maybe I should tell them about Agent Kelp first.

"Everyone in my office," I suddenly said. "That means you too, Hills. I will meet you all there in five minutes."

Everyone left and I turned on my comms to talk to Nat. "Agent Romaoff, I want you to subtly find Thor," I said quietly, "I need to speak with him before he goes off to fight the chitari."

"Yes, sir," she said, "are you doing what I think you are doing?" She must have heard me tell the others to get to my office. This saved me some trouble since she was with Barton.

"Of the people in your team, only Banner and Rogers don't know," I answered with a smile.

Natasha was silent but I could almost hear her smirk over the comm as I went into my office.

They were all either sitting in a chair or leaning against the wall. Tony was in my seat and Rogers and Agent Hill chose a seat in front of my desk. Barton was leaning against a filing cabinet to the left.

"Stark, get out of my seat," I sighed. He leapt out of the chair and I plopped down, sighing again as I did so. "Gentlemen, this room has a very different security system so only I am able to see what goes on in here via the feed from the cameras. What ever goes on in here is safe."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Rogers asked.

"It means that what happens in here, stays in here," I said, reaching up to scratch around my eyepatch. Then I decided to just drop the bomb. I took off the eyepatch and rubbed my eyes as my disguise disappeared. "Guys, this war will not be the last one you fight together. You need to learn to trust each other."

"Percy!" Barton, Tony and Agent Hill protested.

Steve said, "Agent Kelp!" staying true to the formalities he was introduced to.

Percy Jackson; the SHEILD AgentKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat