Age of-Leo Did Something!

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My hacker of a niece hacked SHIELD some how and updated her file to make me believe she was with Coulson when she was really with Stark. She was kidnapped by Mike, the robot guy and that was how she got on the Bus. She was suppose to stop hacking my agency.

Little Miss Alive and Awake is going to be alive and grounded.

Bursting through the doors of her room, I pointed my finger at the young girl with rainbow hair and wide eyes and said, "You told me you were with your team at the time of SHIELD's fall. Why in Hades am I finding out that you were with Stark the whole time, which led to you being kidnapped?"

Again, Logan is NOT my character. She is the_irish_hufflepuff  's character.

Logan shook herself out of her shock enough to start growling at me.

"Well, I may have hacked into SHIELD through Stark's back door. Updating my status, tricking you into thinking that I was with the team," she started. "I relaxed, I had friends my own age and I didn't have to look over my shoulder every five minutes. Then you die and I loose contact with everyone. Lost everyone I have ever known with in the time span of a week. The next I know, I'm kidnapped and tortured by a sociopath. To top it all off, everything I have ever known was a lie. So, you better start explaining, or you can leave my room."

For the first time, I looked around the room and caught Triton's eye. I also caught Coulson's eye, who nodded. It was time to tell her. She has been kept int he dark for too long already. Despite knowing more than most every one on Coulson's team. I step forward next to her bed and took her hand in mine.

"I am sorry that we put you through this. We didn't know about you being a demigod until you survived the pressure of the ocean. You shouldn't have survived but you did." I squeezed her hand tightly, wanting to let her know I wasn't going anywhere. I was so glad she survived. "Now, we will be showing you something that we kept secret. Only a few people know about it so don't pass out.

I let go of her hand and backed away. I eyed her carefully, making sure she didn't hyperventilate. My heart was beating hard, showing her would be a new thing. Would she be mad? What would she think? I slide off my eyepatch and I started changing from my bald disguise to my normal self.

"Hello, my name is Percy Jackson. I am a son of Poseidon, my alias is Nicholas Fury. Triton is my half brother and-" I was cut off by Logan.

"Wait, did you say Percy Jackson? As in the one from my childhood bedtime stories, Dad? The ones you and mom would tell me?" She looked to Coulson for confirmation. He froze as I turned to look at him. I glared daggers at him; he turned me into a myth.

My glare scared him into changing to his normal himself. Back to the aviator jacket, black pants and Green-day T-shirt. HIs hair grew out, long and laggy and his skin was as pale as ever.

"What stories, NIco?" I demanded. He started trying to make excuses. "Nico. Did you seriously turn me into a myth and then tell her stories about me?"

Oh, he and Thalia were so going to get it. I did not want anyone to worship me. I hated hero worship. Especially when I didn't deserve it. Also, I left that life behind me. Not to mention that, knowing Nico, he took every opportunity to tell the embarassing parts of every story.

Percy Jackson; the SHEILD AgentWhere stories live. Discover now