After a couple hours of travelling, Percy started to notice a very large disturbance in the water (Irryl couldn't detect it yet because her water powers are weaker), Percy informed Irryl about it and they decided to head towards it and away from the coast. After a couple minutes of extremely quick swimming that was only possible when boosting yourselves with water powers, Irryl felt it as well. Percy could tell that it was an immense whirlpool but even what the water told him couldn't prepare him for the sight that lay before him. Immense didn't even begin to cover it, and it was extremely strong as well, even Irryl with her powers couldn't stand against it. They both concluded that Irryl would have to stay and wait for Percy to return while he checked it out, as Percy got close he simply parted to current around him so that he was in a small pocket of completely calm and still water. Percy moved forward to bring the pocket with him, Irryl and Percy maintained a mental connection the entire time so that they could both observe what was happening. Soon Percy could sense the shapes of a number of shipwrecks at the bottom of the gargantuan whirlpool, he moved closer and investigated them, however, at the conclusion of his search all he had found was skeletons, weapons, coins and valuable looking jewels. Percy pocketed some of the last, hey, you can't really blame him, he has no money and you never know when it could come in handy.

A short while after concluding his search, Percy and Irryl both felt a ship approaching the whirlpool, Percy quickly re-joined Irryl and together they slowly and cautiously approached the fast moving ship. As they got closer they detected another ship that was clearly pursuing the first ship, intrigued and a little worried they moved closer so that they could observe both ships. The second ship was full of soldiers who were working hard to catch up, the first ship, on the other hand, was filled with children and adults of all ages all of whom looked worried and scared. Percy soon saw why as the pursuing ship launched a volley of arrows at the fleeing ship and knew he could not stand idly by, he focused and a large wall of water rose up and intercepted the arrows in their flight easily catching and arresting their motion. The people on the fleeing ship looked slightly startled and shocked however they didn't question their luck and kept on rowing, Percy and Irryl were startled and a little worried to see that the ship was making almost directly towards the whirlpool. They both felt the power of that monster and knew that the desperate ship had very little chance for survival, after a quick mental conversation in which they both decided to help the first ship escape Irryl came up with a plan. With little time remaining they enacted their plan and swam in opposite directions, Irryl swam towards the first ship used both her physical strength and her powers to successfully boost the ship away and out of the whirlpools reach. Percy, on the other hand, swam towards the soldier's ship, he stayed a great distance away but one that he could comfortably use his powers, he pushed an insane amount of water into the side of the ship almost lifting it out of the water and flipping it, however, this was merely a side effect as now the ship had no chance to escape the whirlpool.

 Percy, on the other hand, swam towards the soldier's ship, he stayed a great distance away but one that he could comfortably use his powers, he pushed an insane amount of water into the side of the ship almost lifting it out of the water and flip...

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Percy took no satisfaction in watching the ship plummet to its death but knew it had to be done, Irryl sensed his mournful mood and mentally comforted him, not with words but her presence and the knowledge that there was no other way. Sighing heavily, Percy wasted no time in quickly returning to his draconic partner (A/N When I say things like this I do not mean romantically, I just mean it in the way that they are very close and could not bear to be separated) when they were reunited she shared her findings with him. Irryl had thickened the water vapour ever so slightly on the deck of the ship and could sense that many people were gathered and talking while looking back towards the whirlpool and the fate of the soldier's ship. Many were cheering and hugging one another while a few were warily scanning the water and talking quietly.

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