The One With The F.R.I.E.N.D.S Reference

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"Kari, Kari!" I hear YukimiBotamon say. "What's up?" I ask. "Can you get me a food pellet?" She asks me. "Sure, here." I hand her a food pellet, like the ones hamsters eat. "YukimiBotamon Digivolve To! Nyaromon!" Now she's in her in-training form. "Kari! Kari!" She says. "Hehe." I say. "I heard screaming." Hanoko says. "Well, look who is finally talking." I say. "Took me a while but I'm talkin." He says. "Hehe."

Daniel's POV

I sit on a couch and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. "Hey Daniel." I hear Kari say. "Hide." I say quietly so she can't hear. "Hi." I say. "What are you watching?" She asks me. "F.R.I.E.N.D.S Season 10 Episode 1." I tell her. "Ok, I'm gonna go take a shower, love you." She says as she leaves. "Should we tell her about this?" Honoka asks. "Nah, we're just watching some T.V." I say. "Alright then." She says.

"Hey there you 2, how are you, uh huh?" I hear Etemon. "We're fine, thanks." I tell him. "I've heard around town you've killed someone." Etemon says. "Daniel? He wouldn't." Honoka says. "Well.." I say awkwardly. "You have?" She asks me. "I was close to, on accident. Someone ran in front of my car but I stopped it right before I would have run him over." I say. "Ok. Anyway, Etemon, where did you hear that?" She asks him. "Mr. Kamiya, he talked about it during the town council meeting." He says. "Ok, well, go take care of Celeste." I say.

After we finished F.R.I.E.N.D.S I went into my room and lay down. "Ugh.." I say. "Prrrrrrr." Leormon says as he cuddles up to me. "You act too much like a cat." I tell him. "Blame your mom." He says. "Ha ha." I say. "Anyway, I have to go meet with my friend, Yoshie." I tell him.

Honoka's POV

I sit on my bed writing in my diary. "Honoka, I found a note." Wormmon says. He hands it to me and it reads, 'Meet me in the backyard.' I go to the back yard to see Davis. "Davis? I thought you went missing." I say. "We were, but Tai saved us. We were injured so he took us to the hospital." He explains to me. "It's ok, now, where are the others?" I ask him. "They're sneaking in." He tells me. "Alright, now, get to bed." I tell him. He leaves and waves back at me. "Hmm.."

The Next Day

I wake up with Davis next to me. I get out of bed and get ready for our final day of school, we!re graduating today. I go to the dining room to see everyone waiting on me and Davis. "Well, look who's finally awake, and I should guess Davis is also asleep." Hanoko asks me. "Yeah, he is." I say as I sit down. Daniel and I share a small glance. "So, graduation day, how are you guys feeling?" I ask. "I'm fine, but I'm not sure how tell Etemon that he can't babysit Celeste for a while." Kari says. "Hey Kari, I can't babysit Celeste for a while, my family misses me." Etemon tells her. "Ok, I was going to ask you to stop anyway, anyway, here are some digi dollars as payments." She gives him some digital money.

I walk to school alone while the rest of them ride there. "Honoka?" I turn to see Daniel running up to me. "Hey, why are you not with the others?" I ask him. "Well, you know, we first walked to school on the first day, might as well go on the last." He says. "Yeah.." I say. "Remember when we first joked that one day we would get married at 25?" I ask. "Yeah, that probably won't happen, with me and Kari, and then there is you and Davis." He says. "Yeah.." I say. "What if we just, fool around, one night?" Daniel asks me. "Well, ok, one night." I say.

At the school

A/N Here, I don't know how to do a graduation, so.. yeah.. gonna try my best.
I go to my locker and see if anything is still in there. I see a note, it says meet me on the roof. While I try to go up there 15 guys go up to me. "Uh, hi?" I ask. "Hi, we're gonna miss you Honoka!" They all say as they hug me. Once I'm able to get to the roof I see Hanoko. "Hanoko? Why did you give me this letter?" I ask him. "Because, I'm moving to Leadville, Colorado." He informs me. "Ok, I'm gonna miss you." I tell him. "So will I." He tells me.

So, we're at the graduation ceremony and I see all of the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st year students all around. Alright, let's do this. "Will all the 4th year students come up to the stage?" The principal asks us. Us girls are dressed like this.

And then the guys are dressed like this

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And then the guys are dressed like this.

And then the guys are dressed like this

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I turn to see Davis looking at me. "We would like to thank all the family members here to support all the children here. Now, please take your seats." He says. "I will now say a child's name and I will give them they're diploma." He says.

Daniel's POV

After the diplomas have been passed out we all get ready to throw our hats in the air. "3, 2, 1, GO!" We all yell. We are all now adults. I go down to hug my mom and she's right there with her arms wide open.


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