Secrets Spilled

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"Daniel is.. perfectly fine with anything." I say. "Hiroshi that's not funny." Honoka says. "Hmm, wait a second, + the 15, - the 8.. Honoka, I think I know who you like." I say. "Why did you say numbers that out?" Honoka asks. "Everything needs Math." I say as I leave.

Later That Night.

I saw a note enter my room. It read, 'Meet me in my room in 15 minutes    -Honoka'. 15 minutes pass and I knock on her door. "Come in!" I hear. I come in to pure darkness. I close the door and turn on the light to see her sitting on her bed with her head on her knees in a jacket. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her. "You know why.." She says. "I'm sorry, how are you gonna break it to Davis?" I ask her. "I'll do it when summer starts." She says. "Alright, good luck, and if you need help asking him, I'm here for you." I say as I leave.

                                                                                                                          Daniel's POV

I am walking the halls and I see Hiroshi leaving Honoka's room. "Oooo, I'm telling Davis." I say in a sing songy voice. "She wanted me in there so I could talk with her." He explains. "I see, can I talk with you in the living room?" I ask him.

"So, what's up?" He asks me. "Did you talk about, you know.." I ask him. "No, I didn't tell them." He tells me. "A few more years." He says. "Yeah, I should get to bed, night." I say as I leave.

I walk in and get into bed and fall asleep.

I wake up with Kari missing. I go into my office that no one knows about and I see where she went. "I see, she's making breakfast, with the rest of them..." I go out to the dining room to check on them. "Hey honey, why is everyone awake at 4 AM? More importantly, why are you awake at 4 AM?" I ask her. "We all woke up to thank you for living here, and I did it to thank you for loving me." She says. "You don't need to thank me. You need to thank someone else." I say looking at her stomach.

"Alright, I have to get to work." I say. "Work, band work?" Hiroshi asked me. "Actually, business work." I say. "We got a businessman in the house!" Davis yelled. "Hey Kari, go onto Davis' search history while I'm gone." I say as I leave.

Kari's POV

"Alright Davis, where is your computer?" I ask him. "Fine." He says. He goes into his closet and grabs it and gives it to me. "Just, I'm going to be in the bathroom." He says. "How bad could this be." I say then I saw the horror. "DAVIS, WHAT THE HELL IS HIGH SCHOOL DxD?!" I yell. "ASK YOUR HUSBAND!" He yells at me. "OH HELL NO!" I go in the kitchen and get a shot of vodka.

K= Mad As Hell Kari
D= Daniel

K- Daniel, did you watch High School DxD?
D- Yeah, but I didn't nosebleed, only to you
K- Did your bandmates?
D- Yeah, but only because they don't know what love is
K- I trust you

I walk into my room and lock the door, I have work to do.

Daniel's POV

"Alright, you now have the land to build this company of yours." The person said. "Thank you." I say. I walk out and go to get Leormon.

"Hi Daniel!" I hear my mom said. "Hi, just came by to take Cali." I say. "Alright, good luck with with life!" She says as I leave. "Hi Daniel." He says. "Hi Leormon."

"Hi people who live in my house." I say. "Hi." They say. "Where's Kari?" I ask. "Your room." Davis says. "I knock on the door and ask of I can come in. I walk in and the place is a mess. "What happened while I was gone?" I ask. "Gatomon doesn't like this place." She says. "Leormon is getting used to the place." I say. "How was the meeting?" She asks as we tidy up. "It was good, we have the land now." I say. "That's great, we should party, maybe tonight?" She asks. "You know the rule." I tell her as we finish. "Anyway, I have to work on dinner." I leave the room.

"So, what do you guys want for dinner?" I ask them. "Ramen!" They say. Ramen it is. "Hey Daniel, why is there a secret room in the kitchen?" I stop everything and focus on what Tomiko says. "Y- you know about that?" I ask her. "Yeah, Black Agumon found it while you were gone." Damnit.. "Ok, as long as no one else knows where it is." I say. "No one knows except us, and the rest of the house except Kari." She tells me. I go into my office and turn off all the cameras. "Alright, That should do it." I leave the room to make ramen.

"Dinner is ready!" I yell. They all come to the dining room and get ready. I pass them all a bowl. "Alright, so, what has happened today." I say. "Well there was the secret room with all those cameras and everything." Jamie says. "Oo, I wanna see!" Kari says. "Not now, we're eating." I say. "Oh, Daniel got the land to build his company." Kari said. "Honey, they didn't know about that.." I say. "Why not?" She asks. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" I hear outside. "That's why." I go outside of my house to see the local news, the press, anything with the media.

"Yes?" I ask. "Is it true you are making a company? If so, what will it be named?" A news reporter asks. "I am making a company, and Leo Corp." I say. "Now, shoo." I say and they leave. I go back and sit down. "Daniel, living room, now." Kari demands. I go with her to be yelled. "Daniel, what secret room?" She asks me. I take her there and turn on the cameras. "Did you put these here?" She asks me. "No, the last owner did though, his name was Yukio Oikawa." I say. "Really? I knew him, before he tried to save the digital world."

We walk back to the table and eat in pure silence. "Cody, once you're done I need to talk with you." I say as I put my dishes in the sink. "Yeah?" He says. "You knew a Yukio Oikawa, right?" I ask him. "Yeah." He said. "Any idea why he would hide cameras in his house?" I ask him. "He was protective of his work." He says. "Hey guys, we have a problem!"

"What is it?" I ask. I look in the digital world and get angry. "Ok, let's go. Kari, you need to stay here, you or the baby could get hurt." I say. "I'll protect her while you guys are gone." Gatomon says. "Alright, let's go!" I say.

"Muahahahaha, hello digidestined. Like the place?" God that.. "Leormon, let's go!"

"Leormon Digivolve To! Liamon!"

"Not enough.." I then see a light fall down to me. "A crest?" I ask. "Alright, let's go Liamon!" I yell.

"Liamon Digivolve To! LoaderLiamon!"

A/N here, I know it's a Jogress, but idc, my story

"Loader Morning Star!" He says and Devimon goes flying. "I'll be back tomorrow, see you then."

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