The Whole Crew

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A/N here, here's what happened, Kari and the rest of the digidestined moved in with Daniel and he can cook, and also lift 500, enjoy.

I wake up early on Sunday morning because today is a very special most of them don't know. I take a shower and then get dressed, and then get started on breakfast. "Morning Daniel." I hear Davis say. "Well this is new, why are you awake?" I ask him. "I set an alarm." He tells me. "Here, have some pancakes." I tell him. I take a quick shot of Tequila and make my way to the Fitness Room.

"Hi Daniel. Daniel?" I hear T.K say as I lift 500. "Hey." I say. "DAMN, YOU CAN LIFT." He says. "You know us musicians, how we like to exercise." I say. "Matt does do that." He says as he walks off. I finish lifting and I decide to go check on the others. "Hey guys. I say. "Hey, workout room?" Kari asks me. "Yeah. I'm just checking on you guys." I say as I leave.

I jump on the treadmill and set it to 20. Anyway, POV Switch.

                                                                                                                           Hiroshi's POV

"Hmm." I hear Kari say. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "I feel as if Daniel is hiding something.." She says. Us guys stand up and go talk to him. "Yo Daniel!" I yell. He comes over looking like he was ready to pass out. "Hey guys what's up?" He asked us. "Kari thinks your hiding something." Shiori says. "Well, come here." He leads us to the computer room. "Check out the digital world." He says. We look and it looks.. beautiful. "What's wrong with this?" Davis asks. "I'm gonna surprise her there." I say.

"He said he was to surprise you." T.K tells her. "Phew, alright, I'll be in my room, see ya!" She says. "Why would Daniel surprise her.." I think. "That's right, it's Daniel's and Kari's birthday today!" I say. "You knew it was his birthday?" Davis asked me. "Yes, I know everything about Daniel. He's my best friend." I say. "Tell us, what does he hate the most." T.K said. "Hmm, he hates it when someone is depressed." I say. "But he can be depressed himself?" Yolei asked me. "Look, one thing I'm  gonna tell you guys, you can not tell anyone else. Daniel is.."

Thanks for reading.

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