Chapter Twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"I know, but everyone's wearing this. It's a statement." Rocco complained. "Take it off. I don't want you to get involved with this." Angelina wasn't going to take a no for an answer. 

Ryder awkwardly ate his breakfast whilst staring at his two siblings. At least he knew better. "Please, take it off." She repeated, more friendly this time. Rocco looked her dead in the eye before he turned around and walked back upstairs. 


"I really think you should talk to Sweet Pea. He has been such a mess since the fight." Toni began. She and Angelina had been walking around the school ground, both expressing their feelings. It felt great to let out her thoughts on Sweet Pea and Toni really had given her great advice. 

 Angelina sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I know. I read the 47 text messages." She looked at a few guys sitting on a bench a bit further, clearly all under influence of drugs. Ever since the whole affair with Rocco and Mustang, she had never felt more disgusted by drugs. 

"Why would he flirt so openly with her? Why would he do that to me?" She mumbled distractly. "Just talk to him. Figure things out." Angelina agreed by gently nodding her head. "I will. I just needed some time to clear my mind." 

The school bell rang which indicated it was time for the next class. "What did you do last night?" Angelina asked her friend as they began their walk towards the school building. 

Toni scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You know Betty Cooper, right? Jughead's girlfriend?" Angelina nodded. "Well, she is a complete bitch." Toni said, nearly fuming with anger. "What exactly happened?" Angelina asked questioningly. "Jughead asked if I wanted to come over and-" 

"And Betty arrived and thought he was cheating on her with you?" Angelina interrupted. Toni shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "No, not like that. She thought it would be fun to try to break the code that the Black Hood had sent. You know, the cypher?" 

Angelina nodded even though she wasn't really familiar with the cypher, trying to understand a murderer wasn't her idea of entertainment. 

"Well, Betty pretty much accused the Serpents for all the shit that's going down. She's convinced that the Black Hood must be someone from the Serpents." Angelina narrowed her eyebrows and a disgusted look appeared on her face. "What the hell? Why do Northsiders keep blaming everything on the Southside?" 

Toni shrugged and sighed deeply. "I just left afterwards, there was no point in fighting with her." Angelina gave her a sideways glance. "Why's that?" She asked curiously. "She's Jughead's girlfriend. He loves her, don't ask me why. I don't wanna come between him and his Northsider princess but God, I can't stand her." 

Angelina placed her arm over the girl's slim shoulders and hugged her sideways. "Don't worry about her, babe." She said comforting. 

The girls laughed loudly which resulted in a few whistles from the group of high teenage boys. "Oh, shut up." Toni said half-heartedly as they passed them by.


The classes had ended so Angelina rushed to the parking lot. She had caught Sweet Pea staring at her in class a few times, obviously trying to get her attention. She wasn't sure if he expected to talk about what happened during class, as it wasn't exactly the right moment or place to do so. Besides, she wanted him to be the one to take initiation. 

Sweet Pea // Poisonous veinsWhere stories live. Discover now