Chapter Fourteen

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Angelina sat down at the counter of the Whyte Wyrm while holding a glass of liqour in her hands. The bar was packed with members of the Southside Serpents as everyone demanded to hear more details about FP's arrest.

"Angel, please talk to us." Someone nudged her shoulder, trying to get her attention. Angelina didn't respond as she was too preoccupied with repeating the last few hours over and over again in her mind.

After Jughead had ran away from the trailer, leaving her behind, she didn't had the courage to follow him. She knew how much he needed his space. An hour or so later, Betty had called Angelina and begged her to come to Pop's diner. Once there, Veronica had explained to her what had happened that very night; how she and Archie had searched FP's trailer for possible evidence of his connection with Jason Blossom's death. Veronica ended her monologue by telling both Angelina and Jughead that they didn't found a gun in the trailer so that someone else must have planted it after they searched it.

Angelina and Jughead had driven to the police station separately from his friends. She had the feeling that he wasn't very pleased with them at that moment. Once they all arrived at the police station, Veronica had confronted the sheriff. "Sheriff we need to talk to you about FP Jones." She had said. "What about him?" Sheriff asked her. "He's innocent." Archie had said. "He's being framed." Veronica added.

"Then why did he just confess?" Sheriff Keller had asked. Right at that moment, FP had walked down the hallway while two police officers guided him to a cell. Angelina's eyes had become glossy as the tears welled up. Without thinking, she had reached out for Jughead's hand. He seemed so confused, upset and downright broken.

Angelina remembered how she had held Jughead's hand for a few minutes before leaving the police station and going to the Whyte Wyrm for distraction. She had ordered a drink and hadn't spoken a word since.

"Come on. Tell us what you know." A low, male voice spoke. Angelina sighed, emptied her whiskey in one gulp and made a round on her bar stool. Many eyes stared at her impatiently, as if she had the answers to the questions of the universe. 

"FP has confessed." She said emotionlessly. Immediately many people started murmuring. Some looked desperate while others looked frustrated. "There's more." She said which caused the room to fall silent. "Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge searched his trailer for evidence. They claim that there wasn't a gun when they searched it. According to them, someone else must have planted that gun so that FP would take the fall for Jason's death."

For a few seconds the bar was awfully quiet as everyone let the information sink in. But then a cacophony of dozens of different voices erupted, discussing with each other. "Enough." The demanding voice of Tall Boy reflected through the bar. Everyone became silent and waited for some encouraging words. 

Tall Boy was second-in-command so people respected him and listened when he spoke. "Tomorrow morning I will go to the police station to demand an explanation. We'll figure this out. In the meantime I want everyone else to stay out of trouble."

After he had spoken, Tall Boy and a few men walked up the stairs to the office. Angelina swung back on her stool to face the counter and gestured to Hog Eye for another drink. When she put the strong liqour to her lips, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Girl. We're going to fix this." Toni's soothing voice almost broke Angelina's strong façade. She had kept her head high and refused to give her tears free rein but knew she almost ran out of energy.

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