chapter twenty - the evaluations

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^since it was deleted off his channel.^

You will not be at risk of demonic possession while reading this chapter...

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"Why did you make the deal with my mother?" I ask, finally done with my crying fit. "No living human had been able to see me before, I figured it must have meant something." He explains, sitting at the desk in the bedroom.

"Well I don't think you had the right to make that decision." I stand up from where I had been sitting on the floor. "I think you should shut your mouth before I fuck it."

He doesn't look up from the papers he has been filling out for the past... thirty minutes? Does time even work in hell?

"It's not like you're even showing me attention." I mumble and cross my arms over my chest, fed up that he won't even look at me. "I'm as busy as a one legged cat in a sandbox." X says in a southern accent.

"I don't even know what that... Never mind. What are you doing?" I ask walking over to his desk to look at the papers. "I'm deciding which souls go where. They are either evaluated in Hell or in Heaven. I choose which one they are sent to for their evaluation." He moves his chair back and grabs my waist, pulling me to straddle his lap.

"Why isn't there just one evaluation place that isn't in Hell or Heaven... like purgatory." I ask as I play with his dreads. "If I know someone's going to be sent to Hell, why would I have them sent to another place first. It's easier just to have them be evaluated here since they're most likely staying. Purgatory is where they stay until I decide where they will be evaluated." I nod my head.

"Can I help? I don't really have anything else to do." I look at him with pleading eyes. "You have to be extremely unbiased throughout the process. I've been slacking since I was gone for so long. I only have the controversial souls left to assign." I give him a tight hug before getting up. I run over to the bed and plop down on it.

"Okay. Who is our first victim of the day?" I ask, a little too excited. This sounds so much better than watching people die. "So this man passed away at 80 years old. You'll probably know who he is once I get into the details."

I nod my head and wait for him to continue. X takes a deep breath. "From the late 1960s to the early 1970s he terrorized San Francisco by sending codes to media and police, after his 5 confirmed kills. He actually killed-" I jump up from the bed, already knowing who it is.

"The fucking Zodiac Killer????" I scream and X puts his hand up telling me to shut up and listen. Right, I have to be unbiased. I quickly sit back on the bed.

"He actually killed 10 people, though he claimed 37. He shot 7 of them, the other 3 he stabbed. His youngest kill was 16 years old and the oldest was 29. His most gruesome murder was an 18 year old girl who he nearly decapitated." X looks away from the paper and at me.

"What's your verdict?" He asks and my mouth drops open. "What's his name? Why did he stop killing? What did all those coded ciphers mean?" There are so many unanswered questions that I can finally find out.

"I don't have that information. I don't have his name. Another reaper collected his soul while I was gone." I fly my hands up and lay down on the bed in frustration. "He should be evaluated in Hell... Who's next?"

I prop myself up on my elbows as X writes something down and picks up another paper. "This next one is the girl who you saw die today. As you know she was kidnapped and auctioned off. Nothing stands out from her life before that. While you were talking to her, I was upstairs collecting the soul of the man who bought her. She had slit his throat before falling down the stairs and into the basement."

"But... you were next to me the entire time." I shake my head. He was literally right there the entire time. "I can do my job in less than a second. What's your verdict?"

"Was it self defense?" I ask, understanding if she was trying to protect herself. "No." I nod and sit up straight. "Can you give me any more information?" X shakes his head, indicating no. For fucks sake he's the 'god of death' shouldn't he know?

"I think she should be evaluated in Heaven..." I mumble, relating too much to the girl. "Sorry, but I have to overrule that. She will be evaluated in Hell." He writes something on the paper before moving on to the next one.

"This man died at the age of 75 while in prison for murdering 15 woman. He would kidnap prostitutes and release them in forests in Alaska. He would then hunt them down like animals." I let out a shaky breath. "Are all these people fucking murderers?"

"Pretty much. He's gonna be evaluated in Hell." X scribbles something down before placing the paper in a pile. He stand up from the desk and walks over to me. "Wait, you still have a lot of papers left."

"I know, but right now you need to do some evaluations." I stand up immediately from the bed. "Are you kidding? Isn't that the devils job?" He must be joking. I can't choose if someone is going to go to Hell or Heaven. "He only decides their punishment. Let's go."

He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the bedroom. We walk to the elevators and go to the top floor. X leads me into a room with an office layout. "Sit behind the desk. There should be papers telling you about the people you're evaluating. I'll go get the first person and bring them back."

X is about to walk out of the room but I stop him. "What if I make the wrong decision?" He leads me over to the chair, which is surprisingly comfy.

"I'm gonna be in the room the whole time, babygirl." He leaves the room and within seconds he comes back in with a hispanic guy who has shoulder length curly black hair.

He sits down in the chair on the other side of the desk and X sits in the corner of the room. "Who are you?" I ask, wanting him to tell me himself. Maybe it will make it more personal.

"Just a guy... Just a guy." He responds. Okay... I look down at the paper to find out his name is Richard Ramirez, also known as the Night Stalker. "Did you kill 14 people?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"It would be improper to comment on my convictions as I am still trying to appeal." I give him a weird look and glance over at X who is shaking his head.

"You realize you're dead right?" He doesn't respond and looks at something behind me. I look behind me and there's nothing there.

I turn around and take a deep breath. "So you wanted to appeal because you say you're innocent? You didn't kill 14 people?" I find amusement that he's still trying to seem innocent even when he is in hell.

"That is correct." I hear X chuckle to himself. "You didn't kill 14 people?" I ask again. "Again, it would be improper of me to answer in any regard to that question."

"You realize you are in the ranks of Charles Manson and Ted Bundy. You claim you didn't commit these murders, but as far as I'm concerned-" He interrupts me.

"Serial killers are a product of the times and these are blood thirsty times. Even psychopaths have emotions if you dig deep enough."

"Do you have emotions, Richard?" I'm not sure what point he is trying to prove. "No comment." I place my fingers at the bridge of my nose and shake my head. I look down at the paper and in big bold words it says 'Satanist.' Well that makes this a lot easier.

"You already worship the devil, so I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here. Welcome to Hell."


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