chapter four - the escape

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Zion POV

X continues talking as I sit completely shocked, "I think it's best if you get some rest. Your body has gone through a lot and we..." I stand up and slam my hand on the table, sending a wave of pain through my body.

"NO SHIT! You don't know half the shit I went through before you got here! Don't even get me started on the shit you've done! You think I fucking care about your little 'rules'? Well suck my fucking cock! ALSO what type of name is 'X'? Stop trying to be all mysterious you piece of shit! FUCK YOU!"

X stands there staring at me. He gives me a look which seems to say 'are you done yet?'

I'm filled with rage and take off running towards the front door. It takes me a second to unlock it but I continue running outside, the rain pelting my face. The driveway goes on forever until I finally see a gate at the end. I look behind me towards the gigantic house and X was walking onto the driveway. Why is he walking?

I run to the side of the gate and start climbing the fence. I jump down and start to run but my foot is yanked back and I fall face first on the ground, scrapping my knees in the mean time. I turn around to see that my shoelace is caught in the bottom of the fence. X is still walking down the long driveway and he's starting to pick up the pace. I pull with all my strength on the shoe lace while X gets closer and closer. I give up on the shoelace and take off both of my shoes and stand up. I look left and then right, trying to figure out which way I should run down this main street. The gate starts to open and I glance behind me to see X even closer than before. Fuck it. I run straight ahead into the woods.... with only socks on... in the rain.

I can hear X yell something but I don't care enough to actually listen. I'm running as fast as I can, dodging trees and jumping over bushes. I can hear the crunches of leaves and I know that X is following close behind.

"STOP FUCKING RUNNING!" His voice echoes through the woods and only causes me to pick up the pace. I glance over my shoulder and don't see him anywhere. I find a fallen tree and lay behind it. The footsteps and crushing of leaves gets closer and louder. I try my best to keep quiet, covering my mouth while the tears run down my face. My head snaps towards movement against my leg and I see a snake. I can't explain how I manage to not scream but I'm quickly back on my feet again. X is still no where in sight and I'm quickly running out of breath. My socks are soaking wet and I come to a halt when I'm suddenly in front of a.... swamp? Where the fuck am I? Louisiana?

I can't go in the fucking swamp. I back up a little and start to run to my right, hoping to avoid any more swamp. I quickly have to stop to take off the soaking wet socks. I'm about to take off into a sprint when I trip over a fallen tree. The tree starts to hiss at me when I pick myself up from the ground... wait, trees don't hiss. I look down at what I tripped over and I instantly scream at the top of my lungs when I see the fucking alligator at my feet. I began to back up quickly, while the alligator moves closer towards me. I sprint my ass off as fast as I can away from the alligator until I see an opening in the woods.

Not just any opening... Flat ground with no trees. A field of green grass. I instantly felt a rush of relief as I made it onto the golf course. My adrenaline starts to fade and I have to stop running and move into a swift walking pace. This concussion will be the death of me. Things start to get dizzy but my adrenaline kicks in once again when I hear his voice behind me.

"Zion, listen to me. Stop running. This won't turn out good for you." I turn around to look at him, my heart beating out of my chest. Speaking of chests, his shirt magically disappeared. As if he could read my mind, he suddenly starts sprinting towards me as soon as the words leave my mouth. "SOMEBODY FUCKING HELP ME!!" I yell as loud as I can as I begin to sprint down the muddy and wet golf course.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and I'm thrown onto the ground, sliding through the mud. My coach is going to kill me for ruining this uniform. Now I'm really pissed. I stand up and walk towards X with a glare on my face. He smirks at me and asks,"You ready to go home now?"

I give him a little laugh. "Not quite." I say as I sock him in the face. Fuck that hurt. Clearly the bandages on my hands must have minimized the impact because he didn't seem phased by my punch. Shit. Well at least I tried. His face is full of rage and I realize it's time for me to start running again. But within a split second, I'm tackled to the ground. Pinning me down, X stares into my eyes and threateningly says, "Don't. Fight. Me."

"I took six weeks of karate in third grade bitch. Try me." I say and spit in his face, before kneeing him in the dick. Before I know it, I'm being choked out and my hands are trying to do as much damage to his face as possible. I'm leaving some really good scratches on that pretty face of his.....

"Tap out." I refuse to give up. I refuse. If he kills me here then at least I died trying. "I will fuck you right here on this golf course if you don't fucking tap out." I stop struggling and pat his arm twice. He releases my neck and I gasp for air as the rain continues to pour.

"Congratulations. You've broken the four rules before I've even told you the rest."

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