chapter twelve - the birthday

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I know I KNOW... it's been a while... I can explain.

The real main reason is that I've been writing a new book about lil skies... not sure if i'm gonna publish it but lemme know if you guys are interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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X doesn't say a word before pulling me out of the mall and dragging me to the car. He opens the door for me and shoves me in. It seems like he's angry for some reason but I can't really tell.

The entire ride is silent and I take the opportunity to scope out the layout of the land and the way we take to his house. We arrive at the gate, but it's open and it ruins my plan to memorize the gate code that X would have put in.

X pulls the car into the garage and turns it off. I try to open my door but it wont budge... It must be on child lock. X gets out of the car and walks around to open my door. He grabs my arm and yanks me out of the car, but not as harshly as he usually does.

We walk into the house and he leads me into a room I haven't been in before. I haven't really been able to explore this house, but that's beside the point. X turns on the lights and my eyes drift across the room. It's almost like a game room... Maybe more like a man cave. There's a pool table, a huge tv, gaming consoles, and a lot of nice couches.

What really catches my eye is the bar in the corner of the room. I'd do anything for a drink right now... Well not anything. I hold myself back from walking over there, not wanting to get in trouble. I turn to X, waiting for him to explain why he brought me in here.

I take a step back when I notice he was already looking at me. His hand reaches for mine and he pulls me closer to him, his gaze fixed on me. "Since it's your 18th birthday, I figured we should celebrate in some sort of way. Whatever you want in this room, you can have." My face scrunches up, not believing him.

"What's the catch?" I say, pulling my hands from his and walking around the room. He takes a seat on one of the couches, keeping his eyes on me. "What catch?" X asks, playing stupid. I stop walking around and stare at him. "There's no such thing as a free lunch, X." He looks at me with utter confusion spread on his face.

"I have no idea what the fuck that means." X says and I roll my eyes. Did he really never take economics. "It means that it's impossible to get something for nothing." X stares at me, waiting for me to continue explaining.

"For fuck sake. It means that I can't get something for free with out something being expected in return. So once again, what's the catch?" I say growing frustrated.

X leans back on the couch. "There's no catch... As of right now. I might come up with something later, now that you've put the idea in my head." He smirks and motions for me to continue looking around. I scoff and walk over to the bar.

I try to open one of the cabinets but it's locked. I turn around to face X. "Can you unlock it? Please." I ask nicely. He nods and gets up from the couch. He walks over to me and I step aside so he can get to the cabinet. He pulls out his car keys, that has a few other keys attached to it.

He sorts through the keys and picks the smallest one and unlocks the cabinet. He opens it and turns to me. "Pick your poison, babygirl." X winks at me and walks around the bar to sit on a barstool. I look through the liquor cabinet before glancing down and noticing a mini-fridge.

I open it up to find different types of wine and champagne. I have a small debate in my head before grabbing a champagne bottle and then going back to the cabinet and grabbing a bottle of tequila.

I glance at X, who is on his phone, before grabbing two shot glasses next to the sink. I wash them out, just in case they aren't clean. I pour tequila into both of them and set one in front of X. He sets his phone down and looks at me.

I take my shot and wait for him to take his, but he doesn't. I nudge the glass closer to him but he just glances down at it before looking back at me. "Drink with me." I say while pouring another shot for myself. "I want you to drink with me." I state before downing another shot.

"Babygirl, If you want me you can have me." He says and takes his shot, completely unaffected by the bitter taste. I pour myself another one before he grabs the bottle from me. After finishing my last shot, I look at X to see him drinking from the bottle instead of using the shot glass.

I shrug and turn around to look for a champagne glass. I open one of the cabinets and find what I'm looking for. "Do you want any champagne?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at X who is taking another swig of tequila. "Sure."

I grab two glasses and struggle to open the champagne bottle. I finally pop it open but the cork goes flying across the room and hits a shelf, causing a bunch of shit to fall on the floor.

X's head whips around to look at the damage. I set down the champagne bottle and quickly grab the tequila before ducking down behind the bar to hide.

I hold in a fit of laughter and chug a bunch of tequila, in hopes of blacking out before X releases his anger on me. Soon enough, X walks around the bar and kneels next to me. I take another sip of tequila and set it down. "I'm *hiccup* sorry."

"You didn't break anything. It wasn't your fault. I'm not mad." My eyes grow wide at his response. "Oh... Okay." I say and stand up, wobbling a little. I grab onto the counter to steady myself before reaching for the champagne bottle and pouring some into the two glasses.

I'm very proud of the fact I didn't spill any and I give myself a high five. I hand X his glass and grab mine along with the champagne bottle. I walk over to the couch, forgetting the tequila bottle that remains on the floor.

I sit down and set the champagne bottle on the table in front of me. "X?" I ask and he walks over to sit next to me on the couch. "What's uppp?" He asks and I can tell the tequila is starting to hit him. "You said I can have anything in this room... I want your phone." I say sternly and look him dead in the eyes.

He bursts into laughter. "That's not going to happen, babygirl." He grabs the champagne glass out of my hand and sets it on the table with his. He kneels on the ground in front of me. "But I'll tell you what is going to happen." He says as he sets his hands on my thighs.


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Also please please please let me know if you'd be interested in the book about lil skies!!!

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