chapter six - the case

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So the beginning of this chapter is going to be very similar to the beginning of chapter three... No, I didn't get lazy. You'll see in the the next few chapters. ;)

UPDATE: I am posting this chapter as is. i'm sorry if it's short. I wrote every part of this while Jahseh was still alive. After finishing the last sentence, I found out Jahseh was shot.

I wake up engulfed in the comfiest bed. Looking around, I have no idea where I am. I can't seem to remember much and my head is pounding. I get out of bed and realize that I'm wearing clothes I've never seen before. That's weird. I walk towards the bedroom door but it's locked from the outside? I start to panic and use all my strength to try and open the door, but it won't budge. I slam my left fist against the door out of frustration. How did I get here? My left wrist starts to sting and I notice it is wrapped in bandages.

I hear fumbling on the other side of the door so I start to back away from it. It opens and a strangely familiar guy walks in. What the fuck?

I slowly back away further. "What's wrong, babygirl? Can't seem to get your memory to work?" The man asks me. I've heard his voice before. I've seen him before. "I don't kno... Where am I..?" I ask, completely disoriented.

"Maybe if you undo those bandages, it'll help you remember." The guy gestures towards my left wrist. I'm not sure how that would work, but might as well give it a try. I slowly move my hand down to my bandaged wrist and start to unravel it. The bandages reveal an extremely bloody wrist. "What happened to me?" I look back at the man. He quickly looks down at my wrist and then grabs my arm and starts to pull me.

"Stop! What the fuck is wrong with you? Let me g..." The man suddenly turns around and smacks the living shit out of my face, causing me to fall to the floor. What the fuck is wrong with this man? I get up from the floor and turn around to scold him, but I notice he's holding a knife. Oh fuck this shit. He grabs my arm again and drags me into the bathroom. The guy shoves my left wrist into the sink and turns the water on. My body is instantly filled with extreme pain and I try to yank my hand away from the man. His grip is too tight and tears start to flood my eyes.

I look down at my wrist and start to notice something etched in my skin. Once all the blood washes away, three clear letters are printed on my wrist. XXX. I've been branded.

Every memory quickly floods back into my head. All the pain. All the anger. I yank my hand away from X and backhand his face.

I'm quickly met with a hard punch to the face that throws me to the floor. My ears won't stop ringing and all I can do is lay there and cry.

X scoffs and walks out of the bathroom. I glance up and don't see him in the bedroom. I quickly stand up and quietly close the bathroom door. He took the lock of the fucking door. Looking around the bathroom, there's a chair in the corner of the room. I grab it and bring it over to the door, shoving the top of the chair underneath the handle. Basically making my own lock.

I let out a deep breath and pace around the bathroom. How do I get out of this situation... My eyes are hopelessly scanning the bathroom, trying to find a way out. No windows. Nothing. I decide to take a bath to soothe my aching bones. While running the bath water, I brush my teeth and grab some towels. I get undressed and turn the bath water off once it's full.

I notice above the bathtub, there is a tv on the wall. Don't have anything else to do. I start to search for a remote but can't seem to find one. I climb into the bathtub and stand up so I'm closer to the tv. There's a button on the side and as soon as I press it, the screen lights up.

An episode of the Simpsons start to play and I settle into the water. The episode is suddenly interrupted by "Breaking News." I sit up straight, interested in what has been going on in the world lately. The news anchor appears on the screen.

"Breaking News! A California kidnapping case has now become an FBI case due to new evidence found in Florida."

A picture of my face suddenly appears in the corner of the tv. HOLY SHIT! THATS ME.

"17 year old, Zion Fleming was last seen cheering at her high school, Marble High, football game. Two days ago, some fishermen found a pair of socks in the swamps of Florida. One of the fishermen has a daughter in California and had heard from her about the missing Zion. He noticed the socks were labeled with 'Marble High' and immediately called the police. It has been confirmed, after DNA testing, that those are in fact Zion Fleming's cheerleading socks..."

I stare at the TV in complete awe. Two days ago?

"The search for Zion has now spread across the country. If you know anything, please call 911 immediately!"

I don't know when I will update next. I love all of you so much.

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