Chapter 23: Stay Ignorant

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"Show me the fire" I shouted into the golden bowls of heaven and the flames were lit showing a spirit, alone and guilty. 

"What do you plan on doing father?" Asked Selaphiel as he watched me look upon the spirit that the fire painted a picture of within their flames. 

"What is right" I spoke before I waved my hands and started another creation. 2 days, 48 hours after the spirit became one with the flames it was done, the spirit hadbthe body of a creature truly immortal. And now it was time to release him back to those whom he once shared blood. 


Jeremy POV 

"So your my sister?" I asked Tatia, Wait Elena. She nodded and I looked at the blonde girl. "And your Caroline who I was sort of dating?" I asked and she nodded happily. "Is this dating similar to courting?" I asked and I heard someone choke. 

"Oh yeah I'm pretty sure you were this close to popping the question" spoke.... Damon.... Zaldivar, I wasn't really sure what they told me it was but I remembered he had that brother uhhh Steven. He was holding his fingers quite close together and I didn't really understand. 

"What question?" I asked and everyone sighed. So apparently I had amnesia. And my nephews Finn and Elijah had 2 more brothers and a sister, strange and Tatia wasn't Tatia and neither was the other Tatia which was very confusing. "Where did Steven go may I ask?" I asked when I noticed Steven wasn't in the room. I swear he was here a few minutes before. 

"He went to the basement to get something" Said Damon and I furrowed my brow. What's this basement he speaks of? Maybe it was the name of a room these fancy assholes had what with their strange attire. "Don't even ask what I think your about to ask" he said so I nodded and stayed quiet as everyone continued to look at me, and then Steven entered the room so everyone looked at him. "Oh Steven your back so glad you could join us again" Said Damon with an abundance of enthusiasm in his voice. 

"Hello?" I heard a voice shout and everyone was suddenly in high alert at the voice with the similar accents to my 2 nephews. "What's everyone staring at?" Asked the young boy with the brown hair and brown eyes and paleish skin. 

"Kol!!!" Shouted Rebekah.... Racheal..... Rapunzel I can't remember. She embraced the boy in a hug and he hugged back confused. "How are you alive?" 

"When did I die?" He asked cockily before pouring himself a drink of Bordon.... Gordon? Anyway he poured himself some of the amber liquid. "How are you doing Uncle Jer?" He asked and everyone turned to me and I was like a deer as I realised it was about to be killed. 

"Me?" I asked pointing to myself and he nodded with a confused look. "You must be Klaus" I Said as I remembered one of the new names I learnt. "Wait or are you Alaric?" I asked and he seemed more confused. 

"What the hell is going on here?!!" The young man asked with outrage and everyone just looked to each other in the silence. 

"They said I lost some memories" I Said to the man who's face fell in disappointment and sadness. He seems more natural cocky. "Steven said it was because Satan did something to me and I lost a lot of my angel powers and they're hoping my memories might return when I regain the stolen power" I Said and he seemed more confused. 

"Who the hells Steven?" He asked and this group gets more confusing by the second. 

"That's Steven, I thought you were all friends?" I asked pointing to Steve  who nodded his head at the man started to chuckle. "So who are you exactly?" I asked him as he sat down. 

"My names Kol" he said so I nodded. "Rebekah, darling, blood please?" He asked of Rebekah who nodded and went to get the blood. 

"Are you a witch?" I asked and he seemed confused. "I just thought maybe you'd use the blood for a spell or something" I Said as Rebekah returned with a glass of blood. The man smirked before bringing the glass to his lips and drinking. His smirk quickly faded as he spat the blood from his mouth. 

"'Lijah something's wrong, that was disgusting!!" He shouted panicked like drinking blood was suppose to be normal and not disgusting. Elijah moved over to the panicked man quickly and took a sip of the blood (what the hell?!!) and didn't seem disgusted. 

"Kol that tastes perfectly normal" he said handing the glass back to Kol who seemed reluctant to take it. 

"What the hell?!!" I Shouted and everyone turned to me stunned. "You dare posses my family you vile demons" I shouted as I stood conjuring up a sword. "What type of monster has Lucifer created now?" I asked with pure venom in my voice. Everyone seemed shocked. 

"They aren't creatures of hell son but creatures of witchcraft" did a voice in the doorway and I turned to see my father so I was quick to make my way over. 

"What did you do to me?!! First you damn ne to a mortal body and now you take away my memories?!! Doesn't your cruelty know no end father?!!" I shoutedbat him and he raised his hand in my direction. "Don't you dare" I Shouted and began to charge at him but before I could attack him my vision turned white before fading into black. 

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