Chapter 10: I Predict A Riot

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Jeremiah POV 

"Honey I'm home!!" I shouted when I entered the boarding house. I walked in and I could hear Caroline's groan of annoyance. "You know whenever I said that to my father he would ham me by my ankles for like an hour and it was so weird when I stood up again cause my legs were all like oooh and aaah and just jelly" I Said as I sat on the couch with Caroline in my lap next to Bonnie. 

"Jer?" She said in a whisper almost too quiet for a normal person to hear but me being what I am heard it perfectly. 

"And you must be Miss. Bonnie Bennett, I've heard very little about you. But I know your a witch and they have a tendency to give aneurisms to people that annoy them or they dislike" I Said and she just looked at me with a mixture of sadness, shock and weirded out, the last one was pretty common. 

"Yeah watch out or she'll pop those pretty little blood vessels of yours" Said Damon in a sarcastic yet slightly venomous tone, consider me darn well hurt. 

"Oh I know trust me in 1732 a witch gave me one and man when I was healing it was great I was high af" I said cause yeah that happened. It was great don't ask why it happened but it must have been because my brain was slowly starting to function again. 

"Disturbing" I heard Caroline murmur and I pinched her leg. She obviously retaliated by slapping my arm which led to a childish game of slap wars until Caroline fell off my lap, I consider that a victory. 

"So why are you here? In Mystic Falls I mean" asked Stefan and I turned my head to looked at him. 

"Well my father sent me to protect Mystic Falls and all its inhabitants which is a load of bull, but I did find danger and now she's dead your welcome" I Said and did a mock bow in my seat. For some reason Bonnie ran out of the room and Caroline and Elena the ever loyal friends followed. "What's her issue?" I Said pointing in the direction Bonnie ran. 

"I don't know maybe the fact that you look like the guy she loved and still loves that's dead" Said Damon in a mock clueless tone putting his finger to his chin like he actually was thinking about it. 

"If it helps I'm nothing like Jeremy, except similar names I mean I prefer blondes" I Said leaning back on the back of the couch whilst looking at Damon. 

"Damon what's with your detective/slash plotting look?" Asked Alaric in a slightly concerned and 'I'm so done with this bull' tone. 

"Uncle Mikaelson was missing at his party, Barbie was acting shifty, they seem cozy and he likes blondes" Said Damon and sent a smirk in the direction of Alaric and Stefan. "Add that all together and we have ourselves a steamy betrayal" he said just as the door opened. 

"Well isn't that just interesting, you like blondes now?" Asked a dear old friend from the doorway to the boarding house as she strolled lazily bit with elegance into the parlour and to the seat next to me. 

"Well I always have a place in my heart for you Miss. Pearce" I Said grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. "It's been awhile" I Said with a smirk to which she smirked back. 

"Indeed it has since we partied at that club in the 90s and you were all over those 2 brunettes and the ginger" she said and I nodded my head. "Well I can't really say anything about you being a womaniser since I had the same but male" she said and I chuckled at her slightly. 

"Wait I'm sorry you know Katherine?" Asked Caroline as she cane into the room from the doorway to the library where Bonnie had run off to. 

"Why yes he does, long time best friends since I was human" said Katherine and then her face grew softer. "He also helped me raise my child and protected her until she was 18 and old enough to care for herself" she said and I squeezed her hand comfortingly. 

"Well enough with the deep seated depression I'm sure you all have and let's go to this club I found whilst me and Caroline flew here, wooh" I shouted and picked up Katherine throwing her over my shoulder. "Caroline if you don't get your ass in this car I'll fly you there and I know you hate that" I Said and she scampered to follow. "Damon I will pay for drink and it's the perfect feeding ground" I Said to tempt the raven haired vampire to which he shrugged and followed, Alaric following 'to keep him out of trouble' yeah right. 

"On our way we go, to the club we flow, all the way down, out of sober town" me and Katherine sang a little tune we came up with high one time in the 90s, ah gotta love the 90s. 

"Weird" "I know right?"

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