Chapter 14: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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Stefan POV 

So I was at the Grill with Elena and Bonnie as we were trying to work out what was going on with Caroline. It was like she'd completely disregarded the friendship she had with Bonnie and Elena for some guy. And that was very un-Caroline like, So here the three of us are along with Matt, Jenna and Alaric who had joined us trying to figure what was wrong with the blonde. 

"Maybe he's using his angel powers to control her, Bonnie could he do that?" Suggested Elena. So yeah he could do that but why would he I mean he's older than the human race wouldn't he find it p- oh my god what the FUCK?!! 

"Father?" I Said aloud when I saw Damon walk into the Grill with our father, Caroline, the Mikaelsons and someone I'd never seen before. I stood and started walking to the group but before I could get too close to the man who looked like my very dead father the stranger stopped me by putting a hand in my chest. "I wouldn't make me angry so get the hell out of my way" I Said in my most threatening voice. Which apparently didn't work as he just smirked and kept his hand in place. 

"Stefan, mate he just beat the crap out of all of us so I suggest you don't anger him" Said Klaus andni just looked at the guy sceptically, how could one guy take in all the Originals? 

"But thankfully I stopped him before he killed my alcoholic son, so all well that ends well" Said the man who looked like my father. "Gabriel get me a drink, not alcoholic I don't need to end up like your brother, and Stefan nice job killing your father I found it very poetic like a justice for how he mistreated you and your brother your whole lives really great job" Said the guy and the now identified Gabriel went to the bar and the doppelgänger of my father started to lead me back to the table I was sat at before. 

"So who's your friend Stefan?" Asked Jenna with a tight smile, she seemed nervous whilst I was just confused, what the hell is going on?!!

"Ahh I finally get to meet the crazy Aunt Jenna and her wanna-be hunter boyfriend, I'm just paraphrasing by the way, and the rest of the gang and god someone get me Uriel because Elena my dear you look exactly like his first love Amara but things didn't work out after she found out he was an angel real Bitch you know that" he said and he sat down in a seat he pulled up. 

"Father your being a tad over dramatic it suits Jezona better than you Oh and let's not forget Israfil god never put those 2 in a room together" Said Gabriel as he came back with a tray of drinks. 

"Again who's your friend Stefan? You know you guys can very easily change a subject can't you?" Said Jenna as everyone just quietly watched the exchange. 

"Right well I'm well God but you can call me, Gabriel I need a human name" Said well God I mean seriously first an angel and now God, anyone else wanna join the party Lucifer maybe? 

"How about Greg? George? Grayson? Giuseppe?" Listed Damon his smirk lighting up at the last one. 

"Yeah might as well considering your father was my human self and all" murmured God or Giuseppe as he was now calling himself. "Anyway we need to talk battle strategies and we can catch Jezona up when he arrives" Said Giuseppe. 

"Battle plans for what?" Asked Bonnie and Matt simultaneously. 

"The rise of Satan" said Giuseppe and we all gasps, great so not Lucifer just Satan instead wonderful. 

"Don't forget the possible deaths of all the archangels" 

"Yes that too" 


Jeremiah/Jezona POV 

So when I woke up it was to minimal pain just what was left over from my beating from Gabriel, fair dues. But then everything intensified painwise. 

"Ahhh" I screamed as the claws ran down my back peeling away the skin. "God this must be disgusting to watch" I Said through gritted teeth. 

"Actually it's quite nice to see you get what you deserve after all these years" Said a voice with an Australian accent. I couldn't see who it was but I knew that voice anywhere. 

"Satan it's been awhile, where's Lucifer didn't he want to join the party?" I asked the devil who was still hidden in the shadows but I could see his glowing red cat like eyes. 

"Who do you thinks torturing you?" Said a voice in my ear with an American accent. He moved infront of me a cloak stopping me from seeing his features, well all except the glowing electric blue cat eyes just like Satan's. 

"Asmodeous is running a little late but he'll be here soon" Said Satan from the shadows in w cheerful voice. 

"Great let's just invite all the family to the party" 

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