Chapter 1: How Did We Get So Dark?

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The story of the Mikaelson's is a long and complicated one, filled with blood shed and tears. 

But it wasn't always like that. Mikael once doted on his children until the loss of his first born and then he became cruel and hard even to his own children. When they moved to the new world his wife gave birth to 5 more children. 

After the birth of their youngest Henrik, a visitor came to the village a few years later when Henrik was 3 years old. He didn't travel by boat or by foot or horse, he travelled in the sky. 

He was only older than Mikael's eldest son Finn who at the time was 15 years old by 3 years. He was an exceptional warrior and fought for family and honour, not power like a lot of vikings did. 

It came to Esters knowledge that her husband had a brother, one taken in as a child after being abandoned in the cold months soon to be known as October. His brother was an ethereal being with wings double the width of his shoulders that were pure white like freshly fallen snow. 

He taught Finn how to fight with his sword and helped Ester with her children whom he doted on, espeacially Rebekah the only girl. Ester believes his blood held a power that similar of a doppelgänger that would connect him to the doppelgänger's of Amara and Silas. 

He eventually left what would be known as Mystic Falls and Mikael said goodbye to his brother whilst the children said goodbye to their Uncle Jeremiah with only a feather each left to remember him. 

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