Math sucks and school sucks

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9th of august 2018


I walked up the grey stairs in Castiels house. In my arms I had a bowl of popcorn. Cas was helping me with math today. I can't say I was looking forward to it, but atleast I'd get to hang with Cas. I open the door quietly. He was sprawled out on his bed, his black hair sticking up at wierd angles.  wearing a grey tshirt and sweatpants. He was humming a song, writing something in my math book. He has a nice singing voice, but he never sings in front of anyone. I sneaked up to the edge of the bed on my tip toes. Leaning over, I tickled his neck with my fingers. His arm shot out to scratch his neck, and I quickly moved my hand away. After a minute I did the same thing again. This time he turned around. "Deaaaan!" He whined, slapping my hand. "Not funny." I grinned. He glared at me, pouting his lips. I entered the room and ruffled his wild sex hair. I fell down on his king sized bed, groaning into the matress. "I dont want to do maths."

 "Come on Dean you need to study, or you'll fail." Castiel stated. This time, I glared at him. "But why, school hasn't even started yet" I muttered, letting my head fall back down. "Your math grade sucks." We smile tugged at the corner of my lip. I sighed, but opened the books nontheless. "Let's do this then.

After half an hour of studying, Cas threw a popcorn in my face. "Werent we supposed to study?" I replied and rubbed my eyes. "Yeah but I couldn't helo myself." Cas smirked. I laughed.

"Man school hasn't even begun yet and I'm stressed out" He looks at me sympathetically. Cas always helps me with math, because I suck at math. I hate it. How is it possible to even like math? I sigh and listen to Cas, but I dont understand the majority of anything he says.

2 hours later, we quit studying. Cas finally managed to make me understand a little bit. "Are you staying here tonight Dean?" We sleep at eachothers houses very often, we were neighbors after all. I always have some of my clothes in Castiels room. "Yeah I think so, we will probably fall asleep while watching netflix anyway." Cas nods and sinks down in his bed. He closed his eyes."Hey Cas?" He turns his head slightly to the side and opens an eye. "Yeah?" I lay down beside him. I opened my mouth, then shut it again. "Uhh... lets watch something else for once, we always watch the same stufd. He looked confused for a second, then stared at me. "we should watch a horror movie" I raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Cas nodded. "But you're horrified of horror movies." Cas schrugged. "Eh."


We are cuddled up in blankets. "Oh God." Cas whispered. I chuckled silently, Pulling him closer to me. He was biting on his fingernails. I held up a new bowl of popcorn, And he quickly stuffed as many popcorn as he can into his mouth, stress eating them.

After the movie we get ready for bed. Once we've settled in, he just lies there, staring at the ceiling. "Dean?" He whispered then. I hummed. "Balth is coming home this weekend and he and Dad are probably gonna fight as usual" His eyes looked sad. "You can always sleep at my place Cas, you know that" I give him a reassuring smile. I knew how much energy it took from Cas when his brother and dad fought. "And it's going to be okay sooner or later. They can't fight forever, right?" I added. Cas nodded in agreement.

I crawled into bed next to Cas. His back was almost pressed against me, and I wanted to pull him closer. But I didn't.

"Dean?" He turned around so he's facing him. "yeah?" He started biting his nails again. "I Lo-" he stopped. "You're a good friend." I smiled and ruffled his hair. "I know." I joked. He slapped my forehead. "Assbutt." I snorted. "You need to find a better insult." Cas sighed. "No I don't... Assbutt."


It was quiet, besides Cas snoft snoring. The moonlight shone into his room from his large window. A lock of hair rested on Cas forehead, I pushed it away gently. His lips looked so soft. They were a light pink, chapped. It was creepy of me to watch him, but I coudln't really help it. He was just... mesmerizing. Beautiful. He looked so innocent, laying there and sleeping peacefully. My best friend. My Cas.

Pushing away my thoughts, I rolled over and closed my eyes tightly.

I must tell you, I really hate popcorn

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