24. Fight to Kill

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24. Fight to Kill

// Spencer//


We pull up at the backside of the warehouse. My stomach is already tied up in a ball of knots when. I spy the amount of cars lined up next to where we park. It looks like the whole crew is here.

"I thought it was routine?" I've come to learn that with this crew you have to expect the unexpected, but even with that in mine nothing could have prepared me for what awaited us inside.

"That's what he said," Justin mumbles, eyeing the cars next to us thoughtfully. Then he yanks open the car door and strides out, leaving the keys ignition. I follow him close.

Inside the warehouse we find the group of guys huddled together in a tight circle in the midst of the open space, where pallets o produce have been shuffled around to make room for the group.

"We getting a shipment I don't know about?" Justin calls out when we're hallways towards me, dragging the attention of thirteen high alert pair of eyes onto us. The moment they spy Justin they all seem to visibly relax.

"Glad you could finally make it," Cole sneers, appearing at the head of the group. His cold determined eyes has ice settling into my chest, as they lock in on mine.

"What's going on?" Justin halts mid step, alerted by the cold glare Cole is sending my way. I come to as top next to him, close enough to touch him if I were to reach out.

"Spencer," the way Cole says my name has all of the hairs on my body standing in attention. It slithers past his lips like a snakes rattle in the night, worming its way under my skin like pure venom. "I was hoping that Justin might bring you when I called. After all, it's not a party without the guest of honor." At his he steps sideways, opening up the circle behind him. The rest of the guys follow suit. I catch a few of them sending me remorseful glances as they shuffle awkwardly behind Cole.

When they all stop moving the figure in their midst becomes the center of attention. I gasp.

A bruised and beat up shell of a man sits folded over in a chair facing us. His hands are tied behind him, his feet bound to the legs of the chair and his head hangs low. Blood trickles down his frame from wounds all over, the biggest one appearing to be a large gash on his forehead, ripping through his left eyebrow.

My blood is soaring in my ears, every inch of my being urging to lunge forward and kneel down at his side and inspect his cuts. But I stay put, alarmed by Cole's eyes still on me.

"What's this?" The voice that escapes me is determined and slashes through the awaiting silence like cold steel. It's such a contrast to the roaring panic rising within me.

"A gift," he says, holding out his hand and gesturing at the lump on the chair. "For her."

"Cole," Justin sneers, seemingly having caught on to Cole's plan. In a blink of an eye I'm being pushed me behind him, so he's body is blocking half of mine. "Don't."

"Don't what?" Cole bites back, clearly not letting the warning in Justin's voice get to him. "If she wants to be one of us, she has to prove herself." The killer in his eyes leaves room for no doubt in my mind. He's going to make me kill him.

I watch as he reaches behind him and Ari, his second in command, steps forward to hand him a gun. Not just any gun, from the looks of it it's the same one Justin has had me practicing on all week. Instantly my blood flames with betrayal. He knew, is the only thing that registers as Cole steps forward, gun in hand, and reaches for me.

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