19. Retaliation

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19. Retaliation



Nolan clocks the gun and aims it out of the windshield, taking aim but not pulling the trigger.

We're speeding through the dark outskirts of the city, where no one dares to venture after dark.

When the notice first came in that The King's had picked up speed and thrown themselves head first into a shooting match with three of our guys out taking inventory on our secondary warehouse, situated on the outskirts of our territory, all of us had jumped into whatever vehicle was nearest, until we were all pulling away from the brownstone and shooting like bullets from a gun down the quiet suburban streets.

Nolan somehow ended up in mine, already strapping a gun to his belt and pulling another two out of my glove compartment, before we had rounded the first corner.

We're etching closer to the battle with every twist and turn of the road. The closer we get the more the tension settles in the car, etching itself into our bodies.

We're both wound up tightly, like springs stretched too far and ready to snap, the moment I pull the car onto the gravel road leading down to the warehouse.

We're ready.

The echoes of the bullet rain reach us, before the warehouse comes into view. I speed up at the sight of it, forcing the pedal to the floor of the car, and we jerk forward with high speed. The tires protests on the gravel road, skirting us out of course, but I jerk us onto the right path again, before we can topple from the road.

Three of our cars have already reached the warehouse, parked in a cluster and providing cover for our guys, firing shot after shot after the intruders.

"In the clearing," Nolan shouts over the bullet rain, jerking the barrel of the gun towards the opening in the tree line further ahead, where the shine of a black vehicle catches a glimpse of the last of the day's sun rays.

I narrow my eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of a driver. Then the characteristic reflection of gun metal catches my eyes and in one swift jerk I steer the car towards it.

The driver spots us too late; I've already jerked the car around, Nolan has the window cranked down and the gun pointed right at him.

One. Two. Three. Four shots and he's gone, dropping to the ground, lifeless, blood oozing out of him from three different holes in his body.

"River kids," Nolan grumbles, as he searches the area around the car for more shooters, while I keep the car in motion, circling the opening in the tree line.

Right as we're about to call the clear and head back to help the others at the front entrance of the warehouse, a shot sounds in the forest, the bullet ricocheting off of the car.

In one swift move I whip the gun from the cup holder in the car, and aim it through the open window, past Nolan who leans as far back in his seat as he can get waiting for me to take the shot. The gun goes off once, before the kid drops to the forest bedding. Dead.

Nolan fires seven another seven shots, before we turn the car and head back to the cluster of cars, ready to back the rest of the guys up.

Cole is lurking up through the sunroof on his car, his gun tightly clenched in his hand and his finger ready on the trigger. Ari is by his side, taking cover behind the open car door.

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