23. Crimson King

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23. Crimson King

// Spencer//


Later that night I find myself on the steps of the veranda in the backyard, The house buzzes with life, as the celebrations of the confirmation of a major produce deal roars to its climax.

I'm hiding out in the backyard, admiring the flickering of light from the few stars visible on the night sky. It's not that I don't want to participate in the celebrations, but rather that he house feels too crowded, now with the entire crew passing around beer. The moment I stepped off of the final step on the staircase everyone's eyes where on me, following my every step as I moved throughout the lower level of the house. I tried to brush them off, realizing that my presence here is an important step to convincing everyone that I have a clean motive to be here. That I want to be here, of my own free will.

"So, this is where he has been hiding you, darling," the slurred drawl takes me by surprise. I had been so consumed with my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed anyone coming out here, let alone him. Ace takes a drag of his beer and eases towards me, leaning against the pillar holding up the rooftop next to me. It's the first time I've been alone with Ace. His presence unsettles me more than I should let it. Despite his golden boy looks, the southern drawl and the crooked smile, all of which screams boy next door, there is something about him, something about the way that he looks at me, that screams danger, killer. "Forgive me for my assumptions but not many of us have seen you out and about since your return. It begs the question of why you even came back."

"Maybe I prefer my solitude," I tell him, my voice surprisingly steady, despite the rate that my heart is beating at. Ace has just confirmed my worst fears and the exact reason that I need to be down here tonight, rather than locked away in my room like I so desperately want to be.

"As do many," he tells me, his head lulling to the side as he regards me with narrow eyes. Studying me, like a predator studying it's prey, before the initial attack. "That doesn't answer the question though."

"What exactly do you want to know?"

"How about what a good girl like yourself is doing hiding out in the shadows with us?"

I shrug, trying to brush off the topic. "Maybe I just like a little danger."

"Or maybe you're here on another man's business," he suggests, his eyes growing darker. I have to bite back the urge to squirm under his scrutinizing stare. This is starting to feel more like an enemy interrogation rather than a simple chance encounter.

Just as I'm realizing that there's no way in hell that Ace wandered out here on chance, but must have followed me intentionally, the door to the house behind us bangs open with so much force that it collides against the wall it's attached to.

"Am I interrupting?" Justin's growl has shivers running down my spine. His frustration is barely contained in it, spilling out into the gruffness of his voice. It's such a contrast to Ace's calm demeanor, but it's one that I welcome with open arms. I used to quiver with fear in the looming presence of Justin, but it's nothing compared to the earthquake of alarms that Ace sets off within me.

"I'll see you around, darling," Ace drawls in that southern voice of his. He's good at putting on a performance, I'll give him that, because while his voice taste like sweet peaches, his eyes are ice cold.

Justin practically sneers when Ace pushes past him, pulling a small chuckle from Ace, as he steps through the door and into the kitchen. I push off of my seat on the veranda steps and turn to face Justin, my hands folded cross my chest.

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