I then hear a gasp for help, so I quickly push past the mess to see a large wooden shelf collapsed on the ground. 

A groan fills the room, making me spot Fred's bright hair peaking out from under the shelf. Without a second thought, I run towards the shelf and use all my strength to pick the large piece of wood up off of Fred. 

Fred tries to let out a sigh of relief but mutters in pain. Crouching down towards his distressed figure, I scan my eyes up and down his body to find the source of his pain. "What hurts?"

Pushing away the looming feeling of worry, I continue to assess his current state. We both stare puzzled seeing as there is no major wounds from the shelf aside from cosmetic scratches on his skin.

I lean down to gently place my ear to his chest to hear wheeze like breaths coming from his right side. The words slip from my tongue, "Your right lung has collapsed."

My eyes glance around the room and just outside of the window to make sure no one is around or looking. I contemplate using a spell to fix him, but my eyes widen as his starts to flutter close, signaling there isn't enough time for that. 

His hand reaches out towards my own as he murmurs, "Alexia..." My body freezes, not wanting Fred to die on me. Not like this. I ignore any signs of sadness so I can focus on making sure he lives.

Knowing what I have to do, I take his face into my hands to look him in the eyes before he drifts off, "Do you trust me?" 

He nods ever so slightly, so I raise my wrist to my mouth and bite down. Blood starts to drip as I place my wrist against his mouth, "Drink."

Without hesitation, he drinks some of my blood. Within seconds, his breathing returns to normal as my blood heals his collapsed lung. I remain hovering over him until he is no longer in any pain. The small scratches on his face and hands heal too, leaving no trace of the accident aside from the mess.

I finally sit back and look at Fred lying before me. A wave of relief hits me all at once, expelling any feelings associated with losing Fred. I put up no fight as I allow myself to open up to the pain.

A finger brushes underneath my eye as Fred takes notice of a lone tear rolling down my face. I widen my eyes at this, so Fred caresses my cheek to reassure me, "It's okay. I'm alive because of you. I'm not going anywhere."

My heart hurts at the thought of losing him, which almost happened because of a dumb accident. If I hadn't of come back so soon, he may not have survived this. 

Before I know it, tears wreck my body, leaving Fred slightly taken aback. His voice comes out soft, "You don't have to worry anymore."

I shake my head and let one name roll off the tip of my tongue, "Alina..." 

Fred quickly sits up to hold me close, realizing what is happening to me. He notices the haze of emotions clouding my eyes as I allow each emotion from the past few weeks surface. Through my tears I manage to say, "My daughter was murdered by her own father. I was in love with a monster who has hurt so many people."

"He's gone now, out of your life for good."

My head shakes again, "He will always be here. My life went down a dark path because of him and I let it happen. I killed so many innocent people out of spite for my life. Everything could have been different. I could have been better."

Fred runs a hand through my hair and massages my head gently. I lean into his touch, in need of his support. He calmly whispers into my ear, "There was nothing you could have done. This is all on him, not you. These things happened but they led you to this moment here, with me. If he wasn't in your life, then I may have never met you."

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