07: coward

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"Fuck." Yoongi stood outside the house lights, which were still on. It was the only house in the neighbourhood that was illuminated in the silent night. He trembled violently.

"Please....Don't be...." He whispered as he gingerly opened the back door, to a kitchen and horrifying sights.

It happened again. He heard his mother's screams. Yoongi felt tears springing up as he ran up the stairs to his room.

He flopped onto his bed as he started to cry. He could hear sobs and thumps from downstairs and the occasional swear word yelled.

Yoongi wanted to help, so badly but...he was afraid. He wanted to help his mother. It was not fair that she took all the hits and kicks when Yoongi sat quietly in his room.

He sobbed into his pillowcase, hugging his Kumamon toy tightly. I want to help! I'm scared....I'm too scared to help..Why can't someone help me?

He thought of Hoseok's voice. "You can do it Yoongi!" He was about to fall, but his words encouraged him to get up.

"No...No...I fucking can't." Yoongi cried as he let out an agonized muffled scream. "I can't do this. I can't do this."

He trembled violently, and curled up into a ball. He needed comfort, he needed someone with him. Someone to help him. He needed Hoseok.

He messaged his boyfriend, spamming him with pleas of help. Hoseok didn't respond.

Yoongi didn't expect him to. It was late.

"Mom..." He cried as he heard the sound of someone being shoved into a wall.

"Leave me alone!" The voice shouted.

"Fuck off!" The man grunted.

I hate you, I hate you.... Yoongi tremored violently as tears stewed down his cheeks.

They finally pulled apart from each other as the man left. Yoongi knew what would happen next.

His mom poked her head in his room. "Yoongi, can I stay here tonight?" Yoongi nodded as his mother came in, all bruises and cuts scattered across milky skin.

He gave her a hug, both of them sobbing into the other's necks.

"I'm so sorry I didn't help." Yoongi cried. "I wanted to, but I couldn't muster up the courage." The same excuse he gave every single time this happened.

"It's okay. It's okay." His mother smiled softly. "You don't have to. It's my fault. He clearly stated that he wanted five different types of dip for his nachos when I only made three."

"It's not fair..." Yoongi's cries became louder and his mother shushed him. "Don't cry...Your father will be back soon. Shush..."

"Just go to sleep Yoongi. Just try."

"O-okay.." Yoongi curled up onto his bed again, while his mother slept in a sleeping bag on the floor. "Are you sure you dont want the bed? It's more comfy..."

"You take the bed Yoongi. I'm getting used to the sleeping bag anyways."

"O-oh. Okay. Good night."

"Sleep tight Yoongi. I love you."

Yoongi curled his fists into a ball. This conversation happened again. It wouldn't happen again next time. He swear. But then again, he thought that to himself last time too.


"Yoongi? Hello?" Taehyung waved his hand in front of Yoongi's half-closed eyes, jolting him back to reality. "You're falling asleep." He laughed.

"No shit Sherlock." He growled before burying his face into his arms.

"Okay Watson!" Taehyung chirped, before taking another bite of egg sandwich.

"Hey kid...." Hoseok mumbled. "Is it ok if you give us some privacy? I need to talk to Yoongi."

"Okay!" Taehyung nodded. "I'll go eat by the trash can!"

"You don't need to-"

"It's okay! Everywhere else is full and I'm used to it." Taehyung gave Hoseok a box smile and skipped away.

"Yoongi I...."

Yoongi looked away.

"I'm so sorry. I was asleep. I should have been there for you Yoongi. That's when you needed me the most. I....I'm a horrible boyfriend." Hoseok sniffed.

"No..." Yoongi stared at him in shock.
Hoseok patted Yoongi's back, and gave him a kiss. He could tell what had happened. This had been happening for quite a while. Ever since his dad started drinking. Ever since Yoongi was a child.

"You can call or message me anytime this happens, ok Yoongs? I'll be here for you. I promise. I'll be here to listen, even if we don't get any sleep that night." Hoseok whispered.

Yoongi nodded, moved. "Listen, I...I need to go to the bathroom for a second." The boy got up, not looking at Hoseok.

Yoongi walked out of the cafeteria, he noticed Jimin walking a few paces ahead of him. He couldn't.....He wanted to.

Yoongi spun Jimin around and slammed him into the wall. Jimin's eyes grew wide. "I thought we were on bet-" He was cut off by the sight of Yoongi, tears streaming down his cheek.

"Uh....Are you ok? Do I need to call the nurse?" Jimin attempted to wriggle out of Yoongi's iron grip.

"No!" Yoongi cried, Jimin awkwardly patting his head. "Jimin...I need to ask you of a favour."

Jimin looked at him weirdly. "Yoongi. Why are you crying? Did something happen with your boyfriend?"

"This isn't about Hoseok!" Yoongi grabbed his hair in frustration. He wanted to squeeze that mochi and let his anger out on him.

"Then what is it?"

"Jimin...Can I beat you up again?"

The boy stared at Yoongi in shock.

A/n: since last time....did this story double in reads????!!!! I'm as moved as Yoongi guys....Thank you guys so much. If you enjoyed this story, please give some twinkles!! I still love you if you don't though, hehe.


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