05: smooth like a caterpillar

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Thank you to all the readers who are still reading this story, and those who have added this book to their reading list or have voted! Seeing that people want to read my book, even if it's only a few people, makes me beyond happy

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Thank you to all the readers who are still reading this story, and those who have added this book to their reading list or have voted! Seeing that people want to read my book, even if it's only a few people, makes me beyond happy. I know this story might not get even a hundred views but I'm just happy to be writing. Thank you dear readers! You make my day.


"We gotta follow that damn kid." Yoongi muttered. "He might end up killing himself from despair if we leave him be."

"You know Yoongs...Even though you might not show it sometimes, I think you have a pretty big heart."Hoseok let out a small giggle, causing the older to blush.

"Whatever. You coming or not?" The mint haired boy resumed his coolness, and the two walked to the orphanage.

Taehyung pulled open the large doors to the orphanage and tip-toed up the stairs to his dorm room. He creaked open the door to his shared room, trying not to disturb his roommate.


"What are you doing up at this hour!"

"I've been worried sick!" The pink-haired boy scolded. "I was wondering if you were okay!"

"Yeah..." Taehyung rubbed his neck awkwardly. "It's been a tough day for me."

"I can tell." Jimin rumaged through his schoolbag and fished out some bandages and antiseptic. "Hurry up and clean yourself. I want to get some sleep you know."

"Aww Jimin...really you didn't have to do this for me." Taehyung's voice grew thick with emotion, the weight of everything that happened to him, this day, this week, finally taking impact. Jimin blushed and fiddled with his shirt.

"Well...That's what friends are for right?"

"Y-yeah, I guess." Friends. Friends help each other, they don't beat each other up.

"Now hurry up and get showered."

Taehyung smiled and left for the showering room with his pyjamas and towel. Hopefully, there would be some hot water left for him. Jimin smiled at his friend's retreating figure.

Why was he...always picked on? Why did every day he had come back, he had a new cut, new bruise or new scrape? Why didn't Taehyung do anything about it? Jimin had watched, ignored the injuries and smiled every time Taehyung had come in. He was scared to ask, scared to help. But tonight, he sighed in relief. He finally did something. Finally, he could go to sleep.

He closed his eyes, already drifting off to dreamland, the breeze from outside urging him on. Have a good night Taehyung....He thought before he finally drifted off.

Meanwhile, two teenage boys were outside of the orphanage, pretending to be spies on an undercover mission. Hoseok summersaulted on the ground, emitting a tiny "Hi-yah!". Yoongi smiled but ignored him all the same. They were greeted by a large set of mahogany doors. The whole orphanage gave off a sort of depressing vibe. Almost everything was grey or brown, and the flowers planted outside did nothing to lessen its austere appearance.

"I think this is it." Yoongi whispered.

"What do you mean 'you think'? There's only one orphanage in town, and we're standing right in front of it!"

"Just double checking." Yoongi grumbled. He tried opening the door. "It's locked."

"You sure? The doors seem pretty rusted. Maybe we have to work together to open it."

"Worth a shot. Ready.....Heave!" They flung their body weight against the door, which didn't budge at all.

"Now how are we supposed to get in?" Hoseok frowned. "You didn't bring a lock pick did you?"

"Nah." Yoongi glanced at the building, looking for some sort of another entryway. "You think you can climb up there?" He pointed to an open window on the second floor.

Hoseok started at it, and shook his head. "Nah...Not after what happened with...You know..."

"I understand." Yoongi glared at the window, as if that would make it come all the way down. And if you were looking carefully, you might have seen it move an inch lower. "I'll climb up the pipe and through the window and then unlock the doors below for you."

"Sounds like a great plan!" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows as his boyfriend tested his foot against a pipe leading up. "Be careful Yoongi. I would be sad if you fell."

"I'll try." The boy planted both of his hands feet on the sides of the pipe, and started to slide his way up, much like a caterpillar would on a tree. Jung Hoseok couldn't help but giggle. Slowly, inch by inch, Yoongi crawled his way up the pole. He was so close to the window ledge, his fingers could brush it if he leaned to the left, but it wasn't enough to get a proper hold.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok called anxiously from the bottom. Come on Yoongi...Don't look down, just don't look down. It's okay. You're not that high up. Yoongi realized that if he wanted to grasp the ledge, he'd have to jump.

"If I fall, will you catch me?" Yoongi called down to Hoseok.

"I'll catch you, even if I fall too." Hoseok called back.

Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, then back open again. Taehyung you little brat...if I wasn't so worried about you, I would've been in bed at this hour... taking a deep breath, he leaped.

He felt his hands brush the concrete, but then they kept sliding left. I jumped too far! Lashing out with his right hand, he grabbed ahold of the window ledge. There was an audible sigh of relief, although Yoongi wasn't sure if it was from him, or his companion below.

His right arm was beginning to ache, and he couldn't hold on much longer. He would have to make a move. It was now or never. Summoning all the strength left in his arm, he hoisted his left arm on the ledge. Come on...just climb onto the windowsill...You're almost there....

"I believe in you Yoongi!" Hoseok called from below. Hearing his boyfriend's voice, his own name, Yoongi found a surge of strength. Even if it was only a small one, it was still a bit. He lifted himself onto the windowsill, and hopped inside.

He expected to land on the floor, cold, and hard. Instead, he landed on something lumpy, and soft.

"Who the hell are you on me?!"

Because of who, was Hoseok so reluctant to climb the window? Who did you think Yoongi jumped on? I'll try and get the next chapter out by Tuesday


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