18. Luke

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   I miss her like crazy. That's the only feeling I'm having right now. It's been hours since the sun set and it's totally pitch black outside. What if she's dead? What if a wild animal attacked her or worse.... some creep took her. Then again no one else on this freaking planet can see us right now, only we can see each other.

   "Carter!" I scream again for the millionth time tonight and yet still no response. Suddenly I heard my phone ding and I race to grab it from my pocket.

The future: since I'm nice enough I have a hint but time is ticking by ever so slowly. Where to go where in need of water or swimming for fun. The lake is where at she's scared within. You better run.

  The hell????what lake there's like five of them at this camp site. I thought and just like that another text pops up as if the future is reading my mind.

The future: the lake closest to the campsite. You passed getting fire wood earlier. Duh😑🙄

  I quickly turn around and run back to camp and to the right direction. I remember what the future is talking about because I tripped over a bunch of tree branches as carter laughed at me after the fact.

  Loosing my family and daughter there was no words to describe how I felt besides Numb. Numb to the point were you can't feel the pain anymore and no matter how much you laugh, you smile, you can't seem to fully be who you were before the damage.

  Now with carter I feel some of that hope that I lost come back to me. Every time that I'm not around her I get lonely, I feel the fear that aches inside my bones, the fast pace of my heart beating out of my chest when she's near. She's like my "drug" saving me from that numb feeling.

  "Carter!!" I shout louder each time as I enter the deep woods to the place where we were before. I hear her shouts now for me to help her. It's just the only problem is....

  I can hear Her but  I can't exactly see her.

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