10. Luke

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"Luke how many siblings do you have?" Carter asked playing with the ring on her finger. We still are sitting in the cave asking each other questions. "I have two brothers." I felt her head move and look at me confused. "Whose the little girl then in the pictures at you're house?" I let out a small chuckle. "That my dear is my daughter Emma." Her jaw dropped looking at me before resting her head back down on my shoulder. "I love her so much, you see when my ex got pregnant she broke up with me and left leaving Emma at my door step. I was so young and stupid then. My parents weren't accepting for a few days but then ended up understanding and helping me take care of her. No one knows that I have her as a daughter but I wish everyday I can show everyone how much she means to me." I her her sigh before resting her hand on my knee. "You're a good father Luke."

I can't help but have a smile on my face. She thinks I'm a good father and I'm happy she didn't react differently. I look down at my phone that's now dying on my lap. It's 2 am. "Carter." I whisper but I look over to see her fast asleep on my shoulder. "Sweet dreams carter." I mumble kissing the top of her head on instinct because I do it every night to Emma. Gosh I miss my little girl so much.

——-in the morning——

I woke up laying on the ground and Carter's head resting on my chest as her fingers drew patterns on my stomach. I tried to focus on my breathing but I knew my heart was racing. "Good morning carter." I mumbled my voice sounding raspy.she jumped up looking down at me with flushed cheeks. "I um uh I'm sorry" She stuttered looking cute as every with her messy hair up in a bun. No makeup what so ever. I couldn't help but smile. She's so beautiful.

"Uh thanks." She blushed looking down. "What?" I asked hoping she didn't hear that. "You said I was beautiful." Now it was my turn to turn red in the face. The sun was rising and shining bright in our faces as we stood there and looked at each other in silence. We could tell there were some "unspoken" words that haven't been said try too each other and it's okay. I'm willing to make this work and try at least. We quickly looked away and started to walk out of the abandoned water park. "Luke do you think I'm really boring or too nerdy?" I knitted my eye brows together and looked down at her. She was so beautiful yet she didn't even see it. "No you're perfect just the way you are.."

  She let out a shakey breath before looking down at her feet as we continued to head back home.  Then her phone dinged.  She rolled her eyes knowing who it's from. The future....

Future: time is ticking by the hour. Task two complete and three  will rise. But for now comfort each other as tables start to turn. Good luck dear carter-the future.

   As she finished reading the text message out loud she looked back at me with her beautiful blue orbs.
It's almost like the sea I feel like I'm being lurd more to her every time our eyes meet. "Is it okay if I go home and shower and stuff?" She asked giving me a weak smile. "Yeah of course."

——-skip ahead——

   "So I'll see you later then?" I asked as carter stood on her front porch steps. She shrugged her shoulders "maybe I'll sleep too never know." Smiling at me as she said it like it was funny. I couldn't help but grin myself.

  I waited till she went inside before I headed home my self. I need too see my little girl. My baby Emma who I miss waking up too every morning by her jumping on top of me. She became my everything the day I laid eyes on her, the day her mother left her. Maybe I could be able to see her.... if I tried hard enough. I hated feeling vulnerable it's almost like the future wants me to break down.

  As soon as I'm home I trudged up the steps in hopes of seeing Emma. She sat on my bed in my room coloring. "Emma" I said but she didn't look up just continued looking at her paper as if I wasn't her. "I love you so much monkey." Tears threatened to spill as I saw what she was coloring. A picture of her and I as she drew a heart. I couldn't help it tears started to down pour down my face as I went to the nearest dresser as threw everything that was on it to the floor. Emma still not noticing a thing. It made me angry as I started to rip the posters off the walls and anything that there was to the floor.

  I miss my family!

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