16. Luke

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  Carter seemed more off then usual. She's so beautiful, so unique, so....full of life I just can't explain it. I want nothing more then to be with her and only her. But, does she even feel the same way about me... I groaned getting up finally and heading outside from our tent that was until my phone went off singling I got a text message.

The future: You thought it was hard now. Wait till later on when one goes missing and the other goes searching. But don't feel threatened in the end y'all be together again. Lol good Luck luke.

  My heart starts racing just as I drop my phone to the ground and quickly exit the tent looking all around me. Where's Carter? "Carter!" I yelled yet there was no response.

  I walk a little away from camp and cup my hands over my mouth screaming carters name over and over again. But still there's nothing. I start to feel as if a peice of me is missing. Raising my hands to my head gently tugging at the roots of my hair I look around me more and take deep breathes. How am I suppose to find her In the middle of the fucking woods.

  "Carter!" I yell one more time, but when I get no response I start to run in whatever direction my legs take me and hope to god I find her soon.


  "Luke who are you staring at mate?" My best buddy Michael asked as we sit down for lunch with the boys. " nothing why?" He smirked as I cleared my throat. "You're staring at that girl again." He snorted making me blush.

"It's sad I don't even know her name."
I looked back over to her and saw her laugh and smile at what I think her friend said. For some reason ever since the second week of schools I haven't been able to take my eyes off her. Yet I already know I'm not good enough for her. She's basically perfect.

"I believe her name is Carter. She's in my creative writing class. She's the really nerdy one that's always in her notebook writing or reading."  I couldn't help but smile hearing him say that but it slowly starts to fade when I realize it.
How could a girl like her ever like a guy like me?

  "Carter come on where are you!" I could practically feel the tears that were stinging my eyes ready to combust.

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