CHAPTER 23: The Cure

Start from the beginning

I take a sip of the hot tea and it tastes amazing. 

"So, where does Agatha live?" I asked wondering if she would even tell me she was really her or not. 

"She's dead." She tells me. 

I look up from my tea at her in disbelief. 

"What? No, she can't be." I begin to say. 

"It's true. She died many years ago. She was tortured and then fed to a pack of vicious rogues to be eaten alive and torn from limb to limb before being burned." She says with disgust and anger in her voice. 

"I'm very sorry." I tell her. 

"It doesn't matter, she deserved it. She wanted to create a war and thought it'd be good to create a monster to lead." She finishes before sipping some of her tea. 

Suddenly, I looked at her a little more and realized, she wasn't Agatha, she was her daughter. 

"I take it you weren't close to your mother." I tell her. 

"Hell no." She says without missing a beat. "She was into dark magic only and seeked for power. She didn't give a shit about me or anyone but herself." She says while finishing her tea. "I feel terrible knowing that she injected someone with something so terrible."

I looked at her with a lot of sympathy. It was sad that she felt just as I did about my father. Wait, that's it! Maybe we can help each other out. 

"There's a way that you can reverse everything she has done." I tell her. 

She looks at me as though she already knows what I'm going to say. 

"I know what you're gonna say but I can't. I'm more into white magic. I wouldn't know how to cure it." She tells me. 

"There has to be something. Isn't there a book that she may have left or...." I began to say and then out of nowhere, I began feeling a sharp stabbing pain moving throughout my entire body. "Oww." I start to cry. 

"Are you alright?" she asks. 

"I don't know. I've never felt this much pain befo...." I stopped myself as I clutched onto my heart while panicking. 

"Oh my god." I her her gasp while she looks at me in shock. 

I look at her and then down at my hands as I notice black veins start to appear all throughout my body, from head to toe. 

"What's happening?" I asked scared. 

"It's the venom." She says while quickly beginning to stand up and turns to run towards the old cabinet behind her and starts scrambling through things until she quickly runs back towards me and hands me a clear small bottle with red liquid inside. 

"What the hell is that?" I asked worried that it might be poison. 

"Drink it. I'm not sure if it'll work but, it's all I have." She says while she opens it up and hands the bottle to me. 

I take it and look up at her letting her know that if this kills me, it wont end well for her. I then quickly drink the disgusting liquid as it burns my throat and continues hurting all throughout the rest of my body. However, the veins begin disappearing as the pain starts to subside. 

I look back up at her confused of what just happened. 

"What was that stuff?" I asked her. 

"That was the cure." She says. 

"What? I-I don't understand." I tell her. 

"YOU are the cure. You have the rare ability to heal others. To take their pain and even diseases away. You've had that ability all along. And when you drank that tea, I had put something in there to help clear your mind of your own pain and feel what your mate was feeling." 

"What does that mean? Does that mean he doesn't have it anymore?" I asked her. 

"Yes. However, you are now at risk. We must help get rid of that venom." she tells me. 

"How?" I asked. 

"Give me a minute." She smiles and turns to head back to her cabinet only this time, she takes out a locked box and sets it down onto the table and unlocks it with a key she has around her neck. As she opens it up, she takes out a match, candle and a few herbs, as well as a syringe and a clear liquid. 

She then begins smashing it up in a stone bowl before taking the syringe, filling it up with whatever she just had made and tapped the needle to make sure the liquid came out. 

"What are you gonna do?" I asked seeing as how I'm scared of needles. 

"This may hurt a bit but I promise you that it will help the venom die in your system, making it soon leave your system." She says reassuring. 

I nod my head and trust her. "Okay." I tell her. 

She then lifts up the syringe and jabs it right into my forearm, causing me to scream loudly in pain. Then we looked immediately towards the door as it swung opened and standing there were Stella and Kobey. 

What the hell were they doing here?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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