Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 19 ✘

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Starting to think that I dug myself too deep into this, I was doing Asia a favor by laying Forrest of her but now he's getting a bit too friendly for my taste . It's not like I don't like him it's just that I DON'T like guys, never have never will, I like girls . But it's just something about him that's making me bend the rules .

"Okay so since I won how about the loser treats to ice cream ."

He smiled "Iight I guess you got that, that was a slick move you pulled but yeah you won ."

"Awe it's okay to say you got beat by a girl, I won't make you feel bad ." I said pinching his cheek

"Nah it's cool I'm just saying you got lucky, you caught me off guard that's all . It won't happen again so go head and get your praise on ." he smiled

I laughed "Iight bet, next thing we do together I'll still kick that ass ."

He laughed "We'll see about that ."

We walked all around the city laughing and having a good time, he was saying all these things that just made me want to pack him in my suitcase and take him home with me . There is a million guys in the world but there is only one Forrest . I would rather shoot myself than say I have feelings a guy, I've been through hell and back and I'm not trying to travel on that road again .

"So when are you going back to VA ?"

"Probably like next week, why you tired of seeing my face everyday now ?" I smiled

"Nah never that, it's just that it's too bad that you have to leave cause I know you're going to miss me ."

I laughed "Someone is a little cocky isn't he ."

"For good reasons ." he said licking his lips with a smile

"Be careful of what you ask for ."

He smiled and pulled me into him by my hand, I knew what he wanted and I didn't mind giving it to him but it's just that I don't want to lead him on with out telling him the truth .

"Wait, wait Forrest I need tell you -- ."

"Why is that when I try to be nice to a girl and try to work at being something a little more they always try and hit me with that I like you but we can only be friends bomb . I bet if my name was Trey Songz I'd have a gang on bitches on the floor crawling for me ."

"Pause, I wasn't even going to say that at least not in those words . I just think that you should know something about me ."

"Iight so I'm waiting ."

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