Episode 48: Florra Elemental Flash!

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            The dark clouds started to spread their way throughout the planet, covering the sky in complete darkness. 

            “Co…Cosmosis?” stuttered Prince Dycoon shockingly as he stood up slowly. In front of him was a guy in full fledged armor. His armor color-wise was a mixture of silver and black while he wore a small crown-like helmet that had small wings on each side. Cosmosis had long silky black hair with tiny stars that twinkled. He was taller than Dycoon and his eyes were fuchsia. When he spoke, his voice echoed with the voices of all five Elemental Knights.

            Cosmosis turned seeing that Denosh was gone and the rest of the Darklings are charging for a second fight.

            “Leave everything to me,” he said. Cosmosis spread out his arms and waved the palm of his hands around once as the swords of the Elemental Knights started to appear before him in a circle. All five weapons combined together, creating a spetum spear.

            He held the spear firmly in his hands, placing his arms above his head so the spear turned upside down, touching his back. Cosmosis then rotated the spear, extending it to his right.

            “Stones of Destiny!” he yelled and in slow motion he swung the spear from right to left and then twirled around his head. When it came back around and pointed to the north, time resumed back and a shock wave of power stretched out and eliminated every single Darkling that was on the planet with one swoop. “Now…for Denosh.”

            Denosh hovered above the ground, sensing her army disappearing one by one. She pushed back her hair seeing The Reign of Silence growing in size.

            “Enough!” Denosh turned her head seeing Princess Aureka approaching from behind.

            “Princess?! I am so honored by your presence,” said Denosh with disgust in her voice.

            “How dare you enter my kingdom…my domain and threaten the lives of us all?” asked Princess Aureka.

            “Because I can. It’s…my nature, I was created that way,” explained Denosh.

            “Then I have no choice, but to bring you down,” said Princess Aureka. She placed her hands below her waist and Florra crystal appeared and with that four angelic wings sprouted from her back.

            “Oh it is so on,” Denosh stress with excitement. The handle disappeared and the skull just levitated in her hands as she lifted it up above her head, directing at the eye of the dark storm. Black lightning crashed down, destroying everything in its path. “Be gone!” shouted Denosh, pointing the skull at Aureka. The glowing red shards surrounded the skull in a violent aura which resulted into a beam blast that caused Aureka to spin around and Aureka fly up into the air to dodge.

            Princess Aureka released a white beam which made Denosh move and land feet first on the ground. Aureka and Denosh had their objects pointed and both fired at the same time and when the two beams hit an explosion of power shattered throughout the sky. Mist was the end result as Aureka gasped in surprise when Denosh popped through it suddenly. Denosh swung the skull and Aureka did the same with her flower crystal and the two objects locked in battle. This was the first time Princess Aureka swung the Florra crystal like a sword. The crystal and skull clashed back and forth as both Aureka and Denosh took it to the ground floor.

            “This world will forever purge in silence,” stressed Denosh.

            “Never! I love this world and all the people with it,” defended Princess Aureka.

            “Then let me show you the true power of The Bringer of Silence!” shouted Denosh as she started to change. Denosh’s mask evolved into a horrific evil clown-like mask with sharpen teeth and a wicked grin. A demonic aura took over the skull as it too evolved, turning blood red and also sprouting sharp teeth and horns.

            Denosh swirled the skull around her once, Princess Aureka put up a shield, but the blast was too much and knocked her into a building.

            “Heeheehahaha,” laughed Denosh, hovering above the ground again, directly in the center of the eye of the dark storm. Princess Aureka began pushing debris off of her and moved as Denosh sent another powerful blast that took out the entire building for good.

            “My power is beyond the limits of yours,” said Denosh.

            “Wanna bet!” Princess Aureka turned around as Denosh looked too, seeing a tall man in armor heading their way.

            “I am Cosmosis, Elemental Hero of the Cosmos.” Cosmosis held his spear up as Angela, Travis, Jenna, Zac, and Trista’s Crystal Hearts gathered around and began circling the weapon. The weapon dispersed into tiny stars, fusing their Crystal Hearts into one soul crystal.

            “The Elemental Crystal!” said Princess Aureka.

            “You ready princess?” asked Cosmosis in which she noted. The Elemental Crystal was the combine power and hearts of all five Elemental Warriors looking like a Selenite crystal.

            “I don’t care who you are. YOU ALL WILL DIE!” shouted Denosh, pointing the red devilish skull directly on Cosmosis and Princess Aureka as a giant blast of pure hatred and fear shot downward. The Elemental Crystal started to glow, creating a barrier around them as the beam hit and began to crack it.

            Suddenly Princess Aureka held the levitating Florra crystal in her hands as a new found power erupted inside of her as she cast,

            “Florra…Crystal!” Cosmosis did the same, charging the crystal up and said along with Aureka,

            “Elemental…Crystal!” And together they channeled their power and locked their crystals together and in one screamed,

            “FLASH!!!” Two identical white beams blasted out of their crystals and intertwine with each other as one pure cosmic blast began pushing Denosh’s beam back so fast, she didn’t have a chance to teleport out as the mega beam hit,

            “AAHAHAHAHAHHANANOOOOOOO!!!” Her mask shattered, which surprisingly she had no face whatsoever. Along with the mask the skull shattered too and the amazing colorful blast disintegrated Denosh for good and flew up into the eye of the dark storm and absorbed it, turning Th’rial back to the way it was.

            As light shined down on their faces, the Elemental Hero of the Cosmos fell to his knees and when he hit the ground face first, his body split into five individual people.

            “Warriors!” gasped Aureka. Prince Dycoon ran up next to them, seeing that they were all passed out, but Zac and Aureka,

            “I…felt it…there’s…there’s another element…another Elemental Warrior out there,” whispered Zac before passing out like the others. With help from Dycoon, Aureka was able to teleport everyone back to the castle so they may rest for the battle was over…or was it?

            Sand started to swirl around, forming a figure as he stepped through. Na’ash crossed his hands and fingers and began chanting,

            “Gaws zu gen zu, reggie hung gaws zu. Gen swan yo, reggie gen zu za. Go zu gen zu, reggie hung gone zu. Gen swally, gen zu za. Gaws zu gen zu, reggie hung gaws zu. Gen swan yo, reggie gen zu za!” After the chant he held out his hands as the two red shards hovered above them and the shattered skull reformed back to its normal state as strange creepy organ music started to play in the background. All of a sudden a pair of huge dark green shaded eyes appeared over him. The eyes had a very small pupil with shading around it.   

            “Huhahahahuh. Huhahahahhuuuh.” The eyes stared down directly at the skull. “Huhahahahuh. Huhahahahhuuuh,” cackled the female voice as the tiny pupils in her dark green shaded eyes brighten brighter than the sun.

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