Chapter Thirteen; A Bloody Consequence

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   My head pounds. My eyesockets sting. My Soul aches. Where am I?

   Oh. Right.

   My skull is practically pulsing with pain as I attempt to sit up, only to be pushed back down by the numerous amount of straps, chains and ropes that are still holding my body down in various places. Besides, it's not like I would have had enough strength to do that anyway. I can only imagine how long I've been here for. . . what even happened?

   I remember I was trying to escape from something. . . Magnus and Rocco? They were attacking me, right? Or maybe not. . . were they? No, they were. . . oh. . . I remember now. . .

   I try opening my eyes, and immediately regret it when my efforts are met with an excruciating sting. I don't try it again.

   What even happened to them afterwards? What happened to me afterwards? I think I got punched, but I can't really remember. Did they ever actually end up having their way with me, or did they leave after I got knocked out? I can only hope that they did.

   So, obviously opening my eyes won't be an option regardless of the fact that the blindfold is back on. Again. It hurts too much, which must be a result of the hit that it took when that person punched me. Whichever one of them it was. Anyways, what's a little bit of sting? My eye isn't exactly my greatest concern at the moment. What bothers me the most is the fact that I have absolutely no idea whatsoever just how long I've been here for. I could have been out for days, for all I know, and so if that's the case, then I certainly don't have much time. My energy is already near diminished; I can tell because I have barely any leftover strength, and I'm afraid my Soul may already be beginning to crack. And so, if that's the case, then it's only a matter of time until I. . . to put it quite simply, die. Which, of course, wouldn't have sounded so bad, say, a week or two ago. But now, right when I've finally started to open my eyes to the truth of this whole situation and realize there's a bigger picture, right when I've finally started to put the pieces together to solve this whole mystery. . . this happens. And now, not only have I been introduced to a fresh new set of questions that need to be answered, but I am also in grave danger that may turn into something quite grim if I don't find my way out of this situation pretty damn soon.

   First of all, I want to know exactly why Rocco is suddenly being referred to by Magnus as 'Captain'. There's no way the Guard would ever let Rocco in after his extreme criminal history, not even as an apprentice. So that's obviously out of the question. But Magnus had also been mentioning something about some kind of group or organization of some sorts that they had all been a part of, and I can't help but wonder if maybe that has something to do with it. Not only that, but I still want to find out exactly where I am and what these two buildings are that I've found myself trapped in over the course of these past several days. Again, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever of their structural layout aside from the two rooms I've been kept in, and all I know aside from that is that the first building was filled with a lot of winding hallways and the second one is operated as one big system for its electricity. And maybe, if these buildings might have anything to do with their group as well. Not to mention I still have to find out just what role Undyne has been playing throughout all of this. How does she know Magnus, and how did the two manage to get so close? I'm surprised I hadn't known about that until now. And what reasons could she possibly have to be working with him? Too much, it seems, for the time I have left. And far too little solutions. Plus that's assuming I even have much time left at all.

   As the reality of all this truly starts to sink in, it begins to dawn on me that I might never get out of this mysterious place. What if I'm trapped down here forever? Or, at least, until I really do die? What will happen then? And what will happen to Magnus and Rocco and all of the other Monsters that I still despise? What will happen to any of us? Will any of them be brought the justice that they deserve?

My Fault - Underfell Fanfiction (Sequel to Your Fault)Where stories live. Discover now