Chapter 17

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Those that don't celebrate Christmas, sorry about this chapter.



Kate's POV

"Wake up."

"Leave me alone."

"C'mon sleepy head."

"Let me sleep another five minutes!"

"I will get the water bucket..."

I shot up straight out of bed and glared at Harry. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, but I would." He smirked pulling me in for a hug. I looked up at his glimmering green eyes. "Merry Christmas babe." he smiled kissing my nose.

"Merry Christmas. And I didn't go shopping, shit nuggets. I only bought one present for the game. I was gonna buy more." I cursed.

"You dont need to. Presents are the least of our worries. I only woke you up because everyone is waiting for you to get your butt downstairs." he chuckled.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. But I'm not getting out of my pajamas." I took his hand in mine and we walked down the steps into the living room where everyone was holding a gift. Two were on the floor so I guees those were mine and Harry's.

"Hey." Luke smiled as I took a seat next to him.

"Hey." I smiled back holding the box.

"Now! This is how it goes. One person opens the present at a time. They get to guess who got it two times. If they fail, that means a time out!" Louis giggled as he said the rules,

"Those are stupid Lou." Liam spoke with a grimace.

"Too bad! Those are the rules! Now, Luke! You start!" Louis commands. Luke ripped opened the little box he was holding revealing a silver watch.

"Oh my god! This is exactly what I was wanting! Who knew about this?" he smiled at the mechanical trap in his hand.

"Guess!" Louis cheered.

"Uh, Harry?"


He took a second and a look of realization spread across his face. "Liam?" I looked at my brother and he was smiling.

"Yep." he smiled.

"Oh wow. Thank you so much Liam. I know we didn't ever get off to a good start, but maybe we can change that?"

"Sure thing blondy." Liam smirkes glancing at me. I rolled my eyes playfully as Liam opened his gift. It was a bigger box. When he opened it, his eyes widened. "NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed. "A Toy Story movie collection and replicas of the dolls! Who on Earth had enough money for this? Zayn?"

"Hey, it's the least I could do." Zayn smiled lighting up the room. He never really talks. So its good when he does. "Ok, here we go." he opened up the thin box and smiled bigger.

"What is it?" I asked.

"An art set with pastel crayons. Now let me think. There's only three people that know my love of art. Elle, Louis, and Kate. Let me think." he looked from us side to side. "Kate?"

"Keep on looking." I smirked.


"Yeah... who else?" he sassed. "Ok! My turn!" he ripped the wrapping paper open and smiled like an idiot. "KEVIN HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW!"  he jumped up and down in his seat. We cuckled at his childish behavior. "I'm gonna guess, Hazza!"

"Sorry Lou Bear, not me."

"Poop! Uhh, Brook?"

"Nope. I guess you get the time out!" I choked on my saliva and burst out laughing. The one who made the rules, is the first to get hit with em!

"Then who got it for me?"

"I did." I raised my hand and he scowled.

"How dare you monster!" he fake cried. "Well, you gonna open your gift or what?" bipolar much?

"Ok." it was a small box, like the one Luke had. I slid the ribbon off slowly and took a deeo breath before opening the box. A piece of paper sat on top of it. I opened the letter.

Dear Katelyn,

I know by the time you read this, you will have forgotten about me. I'm not with you and it hurts. I should have told you what was going on in my life without you. I never meant to hurt you, or Vanessa. My heart just couldn't handle not having a balance in my life when your brother and father left. I lost it.

I told someone to hold onto this before I passed away. And they have completed my wish if you are reading this now. Merry Christmas my baby girl.

I love you.



Tears brimmed at my eyes. I opened the tissue paper and saw car keys. I smiled and picked them up. "Thanks mom." I whispered. "I'm going to guess Luke, because he's the only one that knew my mother outside of Liam." I looked at him and he smiled bringing me in for a hug. "Thank you for doing this for me and her." I whispered then pulled away.

"Anything for you."

"But if Luke already got his gift, then who hasn't gotten to open their gift?" Louis asked.

"Let's stop the game Lou and just open them." I chuckled patting his back.

"Alright, open up!" smiles were burning the energy in the room. So much happiness shoved into a living room with 12 people.


"I'm starving!" Niall complained.

"It's almost ready cry baby." Jessica laughed as we sat at the table. Louis and Harry brought out the food and we all dug in. My hand clenched around the keys in my pocket. After all these years. She actually does care. I smiled continuing to eat and enjoy the rest of my night.


Dear Readers,

Just to for warn you, the next few chapters will have time skips. Just a close look into the middle of the book!

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luv ya as always,


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