Chapter Eighteen

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"No!" Sally shouted. Rayne stood behind her holding a bottle of black hair dye. His hair was bleached white. He had been trying to get Sally to dye her hair for the past hour.

"Sally you have to dye it. Everyone will know it's you if you don't!" He was becoming agitated. The first half hour, he playfully chased her throughout the house, but the rest was just aggravated arguing.

"But my hair has been blue for years! It would be weird if it wasn't!"

"But people didn't think it was strange when you dyed your hair blue the first time?"

Her eyes widened and her face flushed red. "It will just be too different." She said through gritted teeth.

He ran his hand through his now snow-colored hair. "Mine is different too. It went from black to white. Now Sally just let me-"

"FINE!" She collapsed on her bed and sighed. "But I don't know how to do it myself."

Rayne grinned and held her hand. "It's not so bad. I can do it for you sweetheart." He kissed her cheek and helped her to her feet.

"I'm going to look stupid." Sally hissed.

"You won't look any less pretty to me."

She sat in a kitchen chair and waited for the black dye to pour over her. Rayne sectioned off her hair and slowly painted the dye on.

When it was all over, Sally was afraid to look in the mirror. She avoided it until she passed the large mirror on the vanity in her room. She caught a glimpse of someone in her room. She had jet black hair and pale skin. Sally soon realized it was her. She stared into the mirror in awe. Her hair was naturally brown and she didn't even remember what she looked like then, but to see her hair a different color than blue was too much. She actually started to like it, but hated it at the same time. It was much too normal. But against her paper white skin, it looked beautiful.

Rayne leaned in the doorframe, watching Sally discover her new hair color. "Like it?" She jumped, startled by his presence. "Uh... I think so. It'll take some getting used to."

He smiled and hugged her from behind. "I think you look marvelous! But that's nothing new."

Sally blushed and kissed his cheek. "Stop being so sweet. That's how people get cavities."

There was a moment of silence before both of them burst into laughter. "That, was too cute! I need to sit down." Rayne fell backwards onto Sally's bed, taking her with him. "Look we're yin and yang!" He laughed. Sally realized what he meant. Her outfit consisted of white jeans and a black Of Mice and Men shirt.

His outfit was black jeans wit a white v-neck tee shirt.

"Well would you look at that." She said, a tinge of sarcasm in her voice.

Jinxx hopped atop the pillows and circled the young couple.

"I like this. We're like our own little family." Rayne leaned down and kissed Sally's forehead.

"I like it too. I wonder when our memorials are?"

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