Chapter Fourteen

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Sally waited by her window for Rayne. He promised he would pick her up sometime after school. She sighed, seeing the same knife on the floor she had seen days ago. This time it slid closer and closer to her instead of sliding away. 'Is it because I'm not going after it?' She thought. Still she watched it drift nearer to her. It slowly lifted off the floor and turned in the air. "That's just strange." She said. It hurled itself at the wall beside her head and sunk into the wall before another appeared on the floor again.

This knife however, was less dull. It stopped in front of her in the air, inches from the space between her eyes. She sank to the floor in an effort to get away. The knife jabbed at her, missing by centimeters. She ran into the closet as quickly as her legs could carry her. "Go away I don't need this!" She said, staying to hush her voice so her parents would not hear. The knife slid beneath the door between her feet and made an appearance in front of her face again. She fled from the closet and hid beneath her sheets.

"Go away! Go away! Go away!" She thrashed under the blankets as the knife pierced through the blanket and making it's way into her side. The blankets peeled off of her, and Rayne had pinned her shoulders down, to stop her wild thrashing.

"Sally it's me!" His eyes were wild with fear. He had been sweating. There was a light layer on his arms, and beaded up on his forehead.

She stared up, recovering her senses. "What's wrong? Why are you sweaty?" She asked.

"Well, I just had to chase you out of the closet and pin you down! You kept running from me!" He didn't loosen his grip on her, in fear that she might start thrashing again.

"No, you weren't there! I just got stabbed right-" He raised an eyebrow and let go of one of her arms. She reached for the nonexistent wound on her side and flinched as she felt the bare and unharmed skin. "It was jut here I swear!" She broke out in silent tears.

"No Sally, it's me. You're fine, I'm here now and I'm going to take you with me. We're going to fix the house remember? You'll like that." He eased his weight off of her so she could move again and gestured to the window. "Jinxx is in the car." He smiled and made his descent.

Sally was greeted by her precious pet in the passenger seat. He sat perched on her shoulder throughout the whole ride.

When they arrived at the house, she noticed that it wasn't in bad shape at all, it was in great condition. There were only minor repairs, like broken windows, missing shingles, removing plants that had grown in through cracks, or a broken floorboard. It was also incredibly dusty, but it hadn't been actually lived in for decades.

"So, what do you want to do? I can do all of the super manly work." He laughed.

"Well darn I was really wanting to chop some lumber and build muscle cars." She said sarcastically. "I can clean up."

He smiled at her as she picked up a rag from the trunk and began to clean windows. Jinxx had discovered a mouse hole beneath the stairs, and was quickly entertained by his job.

Rayne had already measured the broken windowpanes and bought new ones to replace them with. He picked several from the box beside him and got to work removing the broken shards from the windows.

Two hours later he had finished removing all of the broken windows from the second floor and started downstairs. As he reached for a shard of glass, he heard a noise upstairs and jerked around, toward it. Soon after he heard Sally's voice. "Sorry, I just killed a spider." She shouted down the stairs. He turned back to the window, and to his surprise it was covered in sticky, red, blood. He slowly raised his hand in horror, noticing it was sliced open across his palm, oozing blood from the wound.

"S-Sally!" He yelled.

She came rushing down he stairs. Her eyes locked on his bloody hand and panicked expression. "Oh, uh... Don't do anything I'll be right back! She tore through the house and out to the car in his glovebox were gauze, Neosporin, and a rag. Just what she needed. She sprinted back to Rayne, his blood now running through his fingers and spattering in large drops to the floor.

"Come on, let's go to the sink." She held his good and and led him into the kitchen, fiddling with the knob on the sink. "You've got to let it run for a minute." He said. Sure enough brown, rusty water came flowing from the faucet. She groaned and inspected his hand. It wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed. Finally the water turned clear and she shoved his hand into it. "You're pretty cut up aren't you?" She said, noticing the gash once the blood had washed away.

"I guess. It's just from the window." He smiled and watched her as she intently washed the wound, not at all disgusted by so much blood as most girls would be.

"Sit down." She ordered. She pulled out a chair from beneath the table. It was still dusty, but he complied without resistance.

"You probably won't need stitches. I hope not anyway. I could do that, but I don't have the supplies with me." She dabbed at the cut with the rag,careful. It to rub it the wrong way.

"It's kind of nice to have my own personal doctor." He grinned.

"Yeah yeah, I'm not that good. Don't ask me to perform surgery. I might kill you."

"How do you know what to do anyway?"

"Jinxx stepped on a few tuna can lids." Sally said, not taking her eyes off of his hand.

She began to rub the Neosporin down his cut. He flinched and gasped at the sharp pain from the touch. "Sorry." She said.

After wrapping it up with gauze, she kissed his hand and helped him to his feet. "You should... Probably wear gloves." She reached into his toolbox by the window and handed him a pair of work gloves. "There, now you won't lose anymore of your vital essence." She laughed. She picked up her cloth and stepped outside. "I'll be cleaning the windows outside if you need me to patch you up anymore okay?" He smiled as she disappeared through the the door.

He watched her reach for the highest windowpane and laughed to himself for a minute before getting back to work. Jinxx lapped up the drops of blood on the floor by the window beside him.

Over time, it became a race to see who could finish the windows the fastest. Sally had caught up with Rayne and tried to slow him down by making funny faces through the window, causing him to laugh and stop. "That's cheating!" He laughed. She shook her head and mouthed, "No it's not!" While scrubbing the window. "Two can play at this game." Rayne said. He unlatched the windows, flinging them open, and kissed Sally.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, she couldn't breathe, her eyes grew wide at the romantic surprise! He pulled back, his arms on either side of the window frame, keeping him from falling out. He smiled, and peered down at Sally, who had lost her train of thought.

"What was that?" She said.

"I didn't think I was that bad of a kisser. Am I?" He blushed, still smiling.

"Well... No. I'm just, not used to it. And I thought we were just, really close friends."

His smile faded, remembering that she was right. He feared the possibility of the friend zone. He had never kissed a girl before, and hoped Sally wouldn't mind. He finally had the courage to, and he was shot down.

"Well... You're still going to go through with the plan, aren't you?" He asked.

"Of course! And, don't worry about that. I didn't mind. I actually... Liked it." Her voice quieted to near silence when she said "liked it."

"Really?" His eyes lit up again. "So, could we be... A thing?"

She half-smiled, considering the possibility. "Well, I guess if I'm going to live with you, and fake my death... It would be in our best interest to become a thing."

He jumped with joy, through the window and landed in front of Sally. "Really?" She nodded and he kissed her again.

They soon began working again. This time, instead of racing against each other, they tried to stay with each other.

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