Chapter Thirteen

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In Art the next day, Rayne had written a goodbye note for Mr. Simmons, explaining where they would be, that he could only visit once a month, and to burn the note after he read it. On their way out Sally stopped by his desk and left a sticky not explaining where Rayne's note was, and that it would be in his best interest to take a look.

At lunch, they took their usual spot by the fence and talked about their plans in the new house.

"So are you coming today, to help me?" Rayne asked. She nodded and picked up his sketchbook from the blanket.

"Are you sure you want to burn your car?" She raised an eyebrow, unsure of the idea.

"I'll do it. I can get a new one later." He smiled at her lovingly. Her eyes were still fixed on the plan, if only she could see him.

"It's only two more days isn't it?" She whispered. She knew she wouldn't miss any of her life. And she was certain nobody would miss her. She smirked at the thought of having a memorial service. She wondered if anyone would attend, or if anyone would attend for Rayne.

"I bought matches yesterday." He said.

That moment it occurred to Sally how real all of this was. She wanted to do it, she was happy to. But she had always imagined that it was just all talk. He, buying matches had taken the first step to actually making it happen. Her eyes widened, and she seemed to stop breathing, going into another trancelike state.

"Sally? Sally! Stop, tell me what's wrong." Rayne grabbed Sally by the shoulders, she couldn't see anything here, not now where people could see her!

She snapped to of it almost immediately. "Oh, nothing. Just..." He looked at her expectantly. "We are going to die a horrible death aren't we?" She grinned.

Sally Smirk.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora