Chapter Five

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Sally woke up from her restless slumber and dressed herself. She slipped into a black sweater and jeans. Almost ready for another day in her world of terror. She straightened her hair and applied makeup. She made sure to retrieve Raynes phone.

When she arrived at school, she received the same strange looks and treatment that she always had. She took her seat in the back of the class, as she always did and began to sketch. A hand smacked down on her sketchbook. She looked up and saw a man in a black suit smiling at her.

"Hello, why, you must've not slept well." He sneered. There was a sinister tone in his voice that sent chills down her spine. She stared at the looming figure with terror in her eyes, when to everyone else, she was only staring into space. "Can I help you?" She whispered. The man nodded. "Yes... In fact I think I can help you as well. Take a look around, at all of these people." She glanced around the room, noticing for the first time that people were staring at her. She brushed it off and continued to listen. "They don't see me. But, they won't look at you differently, or treat you differently anymore. If you could change it, would you?" The figure snaked around her, his cold breath breathing down her neck. "No." She uttered. "What a shame. I can open doors for you. I could be your only friend. I could fix your broken world." His voice seemed to throw itself around the room, coming at her from all directions. "I don't need your help." She replied. The man stood up upon her desk and leaned down so she could look him in the eyes. "Listen here miss, my friends and I could have some fun with these unsuspecting humans. All we need is you, and your body to use. They would be spattered on the wall, on the floor and their limbs all put to use. Nothing would go to waste my dear, and they would never make fun of you. Never, ever, ever again." She trembled with fear at this man, unseen to the rest of the world. She began to shout. "I will not let you use me! I do not wish them dead! If you try to persuade me anymore Jinxx will have your head!" She stood on her chair, turning the rest of the room towards her and the man disappeared.

The teacher, Mrs. Tualle had risen from her chair to observe the spectacle. "Sally, Principal's office. Now." She pointed to the door sternly and sent her off. She peeked throughout the window and noticed Rayne watching her leave. He waved goodbye and turned his attention back to Mrs. Tualle.

She sat outside the chamber of doom, also known as the Principal's office. She was called in and took a seat in front of the wide desk. Mr. Schitz, the principal took a seat across from her. He was a short, but very plump round man with a bald head.

"Sally, we've talked about this. You cannot stand up in the middle of class and shout." She sunk in her chair. "Why do you do things like this?" She stared above his head, at the woman behind him. Only, he could not see her. She did not say anything, she only paced back and forth behind him. "Sally?" She snapped out of her trance and stared blankly at Mr. Schitz. "The man in the suit wants to use me to kill all of you! You have to help me!" Mr. Schitz reeled away from her in horror. "Sally... I'm gonna send you home." He called Sally's parents and jotted something down on a piece of paper. Soon enough, her mother drove into the car loop to pick her up.

She sulked as she sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window. "Sally... You're fifteen, you're old enough to let go of these, these imaginary friends that you have. It's unhealthy." Her mother pulled into the driveway and opened her door. "We've been thinking, and we have decided it would be best... For all of us, if you went on a little, vacation for a while."

"Where to?"

"It's a surprise. Now, we've already packed a few of your things. You leave tomorrow."

"You aren't coming?"

"No, it's special, for you."

Sally skittered up to her room to find it pink, her bedspread had changed, everything had changed! It was like stepping into a new room! "Where's my suitcase?" Her mother stood in the doorway grinning. "All of your stuff is already there."

She woke up the next morning feeling more depressed than she ever had before. Jinxx sat at the foot of her bed, flicking his tail back and forth. "They're trying to get rid of me. I'm not stupid." The cat circled around her as a final goodbye as her mother entered the room. "Are you ready? Don't worry you don't have to get dressed." She was quickly ushered outside to a van waiting for her one man, dressed in all white held the door open while the other introduced himself to Sally. "Hello Sally, I'm Mr. Frank. I've heard a lot about you. I'm going to be your best friend for the next few months." His grin sent chills down her spine. There was something very wrong, unnatural about it. "Months? But mom-"

"Never mind sweetie, you'll be in good hands."

She struggled to free herself from the large man holding her by the arm. "Let me go! Let me go! You're trying to get rid of me! You can't do that!" Mr. Frank, still smiling tossed her into the back of the van. The other man closed the door behind her. It was all padded, there were no windows. She cried as she heard the engine rev up and drive away. "I'm not Crazy." She sobbed.

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