STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten

Start from the beginning

“Aana I know we’re friends but you can’t walk around in just a towel.” Ron scowled, looking me up and down with disgust.

“I have underwear on asshole and you’ve seen me in a towel before.” I winked, pulling out a plain t-shirt and jeans. Putting on my clothes without dropping the towel was such a skill. I scooped up my hair into a high ponytail and slipped on my Converse.

“Aana are you feeling ok?” Ron asked, smirking at me.

“Yeah fine, why?”

“You don’t look like you’re going out on the cat walk.”

“Shut up. Get my phone off charge please and let’s go. It’s nearly two.” I smiled, grabbing my purse of my desk and pushing it into my back pocket along with my phone.

“Aana, somebody is honestly going to take that out one day. Use a bag.” Gabby said, attempting to tie the elastic around her hair once more.

“Fine and it’s not going to go round again.” I pulled out a bag and threw my purse, phone and other stuff in it and went downstairs to the kitchen.

“Morning. Where are you going?” My mum chirped, not bothering to look away from yesterday’s episode of Emmerdale.

“Morning. Me and the girls are going out tonight so we’re going shopping.” I told her, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

“Oh for that revenge thing you guys are planning?”

“Mum, how did you even hear that?”

“When Gabby talks everyone hears babe.”

“Morning Mama Forrester. I heard that by the way.” Gabby chirped, skipping into the kitchen and stealing my coffee.

“Haha good morning Gabby. I love you really hun.” My mum grinned, greeting the Lottie and Ron who walked in after Gabby. My mum loved all of my friends; she talked to Gabby the most for some reason.

“Gabriella, please stop drinking my freaking coffee. You don’t even like coffee.” I growled, popping the cup in the dishwasher. She just smirked and plopped down next to my Mum.

“Ok girls, you ready? Shall we go?”

“Yep, let’s go. Can we stop by the bakery please?”

“Yep if we hurry up.” We all said bye to my Mum and got into my car. As per usual I ignored Gabby’s argument with Lottie about who sits in the front seat. There were always the downsides of having a black car. When the weather was like this, it was literally the equivalent to a sauna in here. I opened the windows and we made our way to the bakery by my house. “Ron are you going in?”

“Yeah I’ll go with Gabby. You guys want anything?”

“Get me an iced Mocha and a cinnamon swirl please. Take my card if you want?”

“No I’ve got it. Lottie?”

“Um just get me an Oreo milkshake please.” 

“See you in a minute.”

“Aana, isn’t Rihana coming?”

“No she’s going to meet us at mine late, she’s busy now.”

“Gabby why don’t you just go nude?” I laughed at her choice of outfit. She had chosen the skimpiest pair of Levis shorts and a blue zip boob tube with the highest black wedges. I think she skipped classy and went straight to slutty. After looking through so many shops I had chosen the same zip boob tube but in red and I already had the black leather skater skirt and red platformed stilettos. In the end Ron left to the food court and left me in charge of getting her dress. Lottie joined her after ten minutes. So I and Gabby were left to traipse around this stupid mall getting more dresses. I loved shopping but when it was this busy and hot, it was horrible. In the end I chose a blue zipper pencil dress for Ron with blue platforms. Luckily we found a really nice dress in the last shop we went to. It was blue Bodycon with embroidered white and blue lace. It was even better that it came with matching platform heels. After we had got everything we needed, we made our way to the food court. I’m pretty sure they were either in McDonalds or KFC.

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