🌹Chapter 1🌹

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*Yo! Welcome back! Get ready for a whole new Voltron Disney Story with a brand new ship. We're in for another ride*

Morning rose in a small, quiet little village in the countryside of Altea.

In a small cottage, a young girl with Honey brown hair walked out in a green dress and a basket in her hand.

Every morning when leaving into town she would always sing a little song.

"Little town, it's a quiet village...." She sang. "Everyday, like the one before. Little town, full of little people waking up to say...."

Just then....

Everyone greeted eachother.

"There goes the baker with his tray like always, the Same old bread and rolls to sell." Pidge said as she looked around.

"Every morning just the same, since the morning that we to this poor provincil town-"

"Good morning Pidge!" The baker Rolo waved.

"Good Morning Rolo." Pidge greeted.

"And where are you off to this fine morning?" Rolo asked.

"To the Library." Pidge replied. "I just got done with this book about a boy and a beanstalk and an ogre an-"

"That's nice." He said as he got back to his job. "NYMA! The baguettes! Hurry up!"

Pidge walked away as she heard murmurs from people.

"Look there she goes that girl is strange, no question. Dazed and distracted can't you tell?"

"Never part of any crowd."

"Cause her head's up in a cloud"

"No denying she's a funny girl that Pidge."

People have always thought Pidge was "Strange" or "Ill" or "Odd" just because She loves to read books. She just always ignored it.

Pidge just walked along as this went on.

"Good day!"
"How is your family?"

"Good day."
"How is your wife?"

"I need 6 eggs!"
"That's too expensive."

'There must be more than this provincial life....' Pidge thought to herself as she entered the library.

The librarian, Coran, looked up as he saw Pidge walk in. "Ah Pidge!" He said.

"Good morning, Coran. I came to return the book I borrowed." Pidge said as she took out her book from her basket.

"Finished Already?" Coran asked.

"I couldn't put it down, you know me." Pidge said as she looked through the shelves. "Got anything new?"

"Not since yesterday." Coran laughed.

"That's okay. I'll borrow...." She hummed as she looked at the shelf. She then picked a book out. "This one!"

Coran took a look at the cover. "That one?" He began to laugh. "You read this one twice!"

"Well it's my favorite!" Pidge smiled as she danced around the room.
"Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise." She said.

Coran chuckled. "Well if you love it so much it's yours." He said giving the book to Pidge.

She took the book and was shocked. "But sir-"

"I insist." Coran said with a big smile and orange mustache.

"Thank you! Thank you so much Coran!" Pidge thanked him while walking out of the library.

She waved to him and began to read as she walked away.

"Look there she goes, that girl is so preculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well?" Whispered some men.

"With a dreamy far off look."
"And her noes stuck in some book."
"What a puzzle to the rest of us is Pidge."

The townsfolk murmured as she walked by.

Pidge sat by a fountain as she read. She dozed off into her imagination as she read.

"Oh, Isn't this amazing?" She thought to herself. "It's my favorite part because...you'll see..."

She turned the page as her imagination and flushed. "Here is where she meets prince charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter 3."

Pidge walked away as more people looked.

"Now it's no wonder that her (Middle) name means "beauty", her looks have got no parallel." Said some lady.

(A/n: Let's all pretend Pidge's middle name is Belle. Now that I hear it....Katie Belle Holt....Nice ring to it....MAKE IT HAPPEN DREAMWORKS!!)

"But behind that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd...."


Very different from the rest of us.
She's nothing like the rest of us.
Yes she's different from the rest of us is Pidge!

From a distance from people questioning Pidge, there stood two people.

Lotor, the towns finest hunter, and his partner Ezor stood at the town square as Lotor finished his hunting.

"Lotor, you are literally the best ever! Every women in this town love you!" Ezor said.

"I know, but all these ladies don't satisfy me." Lotor said. "Besides I already have my eye for her..."

Lotor pointed to Pidge as she walked with her hair flowing behind her.

"Pidge? The inventors daughter?" Ezor asked.

"She's the most beautiful girl in the village. I would give anything to Marry her." Lotor said as he dazed in the sight of Pidge.

"Right from the moment I first met her, saw her, I said she's gorgeous and I fell." Lotor said still gazing. "Here in this town there's only she who's as beautiful as me, so I'm making plans to woo and marry Pidge."

Lotor dropped his stuff by Ezor as he went to go flirt with Pidge like always.

As he walked, some ladies decided to stare dreamy at him.

"Look there he goes, Isn't he dreamy?
Monseir Lotor, oh he's so cute! Be still my heart I'm hardly breathing.
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsomebrute!"

Lotor made his way past the people as he tried to get to Pidge.

The busy streets were roudy with questions and many more.

"There must be more than this provincial life...." Pidge thought again.

"Just watch I'm going to make Pidge my wife!" Lotor yelled.


Look there she goes
The girl is strange but special
A most peculiar mad'moiselle!

It's a pity and a sin

She doesn't quite fit in

'Cause she really is a funny girl
A beauty but a funny girl
She really is a funny girl

That Belle!

Pidge then turned around from readung to see everyone go by there day.







Beauty and The Beast (A Kidge AU)Where stories live. Discover now