Chapter 10 ~ Metropolis

Start from the beginning

   Either nobody payed attention to the opened and closed doors, or they only quickly looked back to see Vector and stared back ahead while Knuckles began to speak.

   "Eggman's forces are unarmed at his headquarters in Metropolis!"

   "They must be staging somewhere else for Eggman's plan," Espio chimes in. I could see him uncrossing his arms from where I hid. "This could be our one chance to take the city."

   "Exactly. That's why we're going to focus on a full front assault on Metropolis. I'm calling it 'Operation Big Wave'!"

   "Who cares what it's called? We need a strategy," Silver says, serious. 

   "I thought up this strategy in about a minute and a half," Knuckles admits without hesitation or shame.

   I saw Silver facepalm. "...A well thought out strategy." he mutters.

   "We're invading hard and fast. We're not going to stop fighting until Eggman's army is wiped out. We have the strength and willpower to win. We would never have made it this far if we didn't. There's no other group I'd want by my side," Knuckles says. This became personal, and I somehow felt like I was intruding. I felt like I didn't belong when he said that last sentence.

   "They have more in numbers, so a quick, focused attack isn't bad. We also have the other Sonic with us too!" Tails calculates. "If we destroy the Phantom Ruby, we should be able to send him home! I hope... this is all new to me..."

"We also have the new girl with us too! She's tougher than you guys think," Sonic adds, smiling.

   I peered slightly around Vector's body. Did Sonic really mean that? I note that he didn't call me "Rookie" like everybody else. I quickly hide again when I see Shadow's eyes look in my direction.

   "She aimed a gun at my head, faker," Shadow droned. He sounded, surprisingly, unbothered. "Also, you refer to her as 'she', do they not have a name?"

   "Uh, no..." Sonic says awkwardly. "She uh..."

   Knuckles finishes for Sonic since he isn't putting it into words. "We call her the Rookie. She's not a big talker, but she is a field medic and had a firsthand encounter with Infinite several months ago."

   If my presence was known in the room, they would all be staring at me. Even now, I feel like everyone's watching me. There was strange silence. And Vector turned his head over his shoulder to glance over at me. I look up at him, unsure of what to do. Before anyone could notice, Vector looks back ahead.

   "Wait, she did?" Amy asks.

   "Everyone, get some sleep, in the morning we head straight for Eggman's HQ! Time to save the world people!" Knuckles encourages, skipping over what was said. After a second delay people began hooting and hollering.

   "I'm sorry", Knuckles had said last night. "We had no other choice. We needed that camera."

   I swung with my grapple onto a midair highway, thousands of feet in the air, only cloud visible below. If I fall, there's no one to save me.

   "If it's alright, Tails made a new one, it has better signal. And you can turn off the camera if you don't want us watching." Knuckles had held out a new earpiece, along with a data-pad like screen that fits on your forearm. It looked like Vector's. I had taken them. He had also given me some, experimental, medication that "sped up the healing process". I took some tablets for the pain too. It worked wonders so far.

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