Chapter 27

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Julia's POV:

Niall bursts into an intense fit of laughter and Liam's jaw practically drops to the floor in an extremely shocked face expression. I glare daggers at Harry as I continue my path into the kitchen.

Niall follows us, making it impossible to escape his hysterical and quite annoying snickering. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No," Harry says flatly as if it is the most natural thing in the world to tell everyone about our failed sexual intercourse.

"Did you really have to tell them how you tore the stitches?" I say through clenched teeth as I prepare a needle to close up Harry's bullet wound again. "Couldn't you have just lied?"

Liam has composed himself by now, and is looking at me with mock hurt and shock. "What?"

"What?" I snap back. Annoyance is laced thick in my voice as I glare at him.

"We don't lie to each other," Liam insists dramatically. "There are no secrets in this group."

"That's true," Niall happily chimes in. He's still trying to compose his laughter and is ultimately failing to do so. "We have a right to know that Harry was injured during sexual intercourse. Were you a little too rough with him, perhaps?"

"Shut up," I say and rather roughly push Harry down on a chair. Niall laughs again. "Hold still while I do this. It'll probably hurt either way, but I'll do a more decent and clean job if you sit still."

"I'm not moving, babe," Harry tells me innocently and butterflies erupt in my stomach as his pet name for me easily slips from his soft lips. I want to be mad at him, but I just can't. "Just do the best you can. I trust you."

A shiver runs through my body and I feel my heart beat a little faster. Harry told me the exact same thing when he was lying in his own pool of blood after Joshua shot him. I don't want the horrible memories to resurface now.

"Just hold still," I tell him.

I finish prepping the needle and head over to where Harry's sitting. Niall and Liam are still hanging around to annoy me.

I take a deep breath before I poke the sharp needle through Harry's delicate skin. He winces, but doesn't move even an inch. He holds completely still while I work on him.

Before I have time to finish, Louis and Zayn walks into the room too. Louis stops so abruptly that Zayn bumps into him and stumbles back a few steps. Both of them look at Harry's bleeding shoulder with shock and confusion.

"What happened, man?" Zayn says as Niall starts laughing again.

"He had sex," he explains before I even have time to stop him. "Julia was apparently too rough with him."

"Damn," Louis says and then he starts laughing too. I grit my teeth.

"Can we please stop talking about this?" I say and nervously look out the window to make sure that my brother's still situated around the fireplace outside. "If Jason finds out..."

"True," Harry says as if he just realizes what a potential catastrophe it will be if Jason finds out. "We should keep it on the down low."

Just as he's finished talking, approaching footsteps is to be heard. I immediately avert my gaze back out the window to make sure it isn't Jason. My brother is still sitting outside with JD.

Mike is the one to enter the kitchen. His eyes dilate when he sees me rinsing blood off of my hands; the water in the sink stained a dark pink.

"What's going on?" he says and I simply nod towards Harry.

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